My Routine.. Messed Up

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Right when I get home, I see my mom and my dad. I feel comfortable around them because they treat me like I'm normal. "Got any homework hunny bunn?" Asked my mom. "No ma'am, I Finished it in class." I responded. I really didn't, I finish it when I'm bed at night. It's all easy anyways. Some kids don't even try to do it, like one girl named Page. Out of the 150 or so homework papers we have, she has only done around 4 and that is when the teacher sat it front of her and made her do it. I hope I never have to do that. "BRYSON!!" My dad screamed. "Oh sorry." I had to say. This time I honestly couldn't hear him. "Do you want to throw?" Asked my dad. "Ooh yea!" My parents sat there thinking and staring at each other. I didn't know what to do. "Ok.., Let's go" my dad said kinda stressed sounding. "Are you ok dad?" I said very worried. "Well son, your hearing aids are not working very well. So this means you have a big decision to make, no pressure." My dad said with tears running into his eyes. "Mom and I are having financial problems, this means you get to play baseball, or have better hearing aids for the rest of the year or until we find a way to get more money and do both." I didn't know what to do. My dad always says grades before sport parade. I started crying because this was a big decision. I thank god for blessing me with a life, but it's hard to not be mad that your not normal. He has blessed me with so much I can't get mad at him. "Ok Bryson, this is what your aids would look like," he showed me a picture, "I know that they are big, but they're going to help you hear normal. Plus the doctors will help cover it up." He was trying to make me pick the hearing aids. I still didn't have an answer. I just stood by my dad, thinking what would be the best. I just had to. I had to pick the hearing aids. It was hard but I did. "Alright dad... hugh.." Tears fell down my face, "I have to pick the hearing aids" my parents were shocked I could tell, but it didn't bother me because I had so many tears in my eyes. I was going to miss baseball so much.

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