Drowning (Sonic x Zavok)

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Hey guys! I'm here... again XDDDD I really have a lot of free time so in the summer I'll be free almost everyday maybe XD ok well now to the story!

Art is not mine

As Sonic walked through the snowy terrain he came across a frozen lake, he saw that there was no way around and he can't run in the freezing cold. Sonic was a dessert hedgehog made for very hot temperatures meaning he had shorter, denser fur, Longer more sharper claws for traveling over rough terrain, he wasn't used to not having something warm on him. He had to walk over the frozen ice which he was very scared of doing cause of his fear of water, he may not be heavy but the ice beneath him could be sensitive, he heard a crack below him and he very stiffly looked down and saw that the ice was beginning to crack. He tried to make a break for it but the ice broke and he fell in the freezing cold water, he was screaming and thrashing around with his long sharp claws unsheathed, he tried to swim up to the surface but because he didn't know how to swim it didn't work he was quickly losing air and he struggled until something grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

Dr. Eggman's POV~

He was trying to find crystals from the snowy terrain and he didn't seem to have any kind of luck, he needed them to powered up his robots since Sonic fused with the chaos emeralds meaning he couldn't steal them anymore. He heard the sound of ice cracking and he quickly went to investigate, what he found was scary, Sonic fell into the water his claws leaving marks in the ice and he stared at the hole in shock, after a few seconds of Sonic not coming to the surface he quickly got out of his little machine (I have no idea what the thing he rides in almost all the time in is called) and rushed toward the hole and quickly pulls Sonic up, he wasn't breathing so I started pumping his chest until he started to have a panic attack.

Sonic's POV~

All I saw was black until I opened my eyes and started to panic my claws scratching at anything which was basically the ice and made huge marks in the ice, my eyes slits like a cat, scaring the person who saved me from drowning. I became confused and started to speak my native language "¡Quién eres tú!" (Who are you!) the man who saved me was confused at what I said and tried to pick me up but I growled at him and hissed "¡Aléjate de mí!" (Stay away from me!) he flinched back, my quills started to raise in defense and claws ready to slice at anything that dared attack him. "Hey hey it's ok I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna help you" he said with concern and fear in his voice, I decided to let him help me but I'm not gonna trust him yet, he took me falling down, sheathing my claws and lowering my quills as a sign that I'll let him even though he understood the my eyes still in slits telling him that I don't trust him just yet. I started to shiver as I got very cold and I realized that I was still soaking wet in the snow, he picked me up and put me in the machine and flew off to his base. When we got there The Deadly Six saw me and walked towards me and egghead, I started to growl and my quills raised a bit and they were a bit more cautious coming towards me, except Zazz and of course being the crazy zeti he his charged at me and my eyes turned in small slits, my quills raised fully, claws
unsheathed and launched myself at Zazz, knocking him over and he was knocked unconscious. I started to hiss and growl at them when they tried to come towards me especially when they saw me shivering from the cold, eggman literally had to shoot me with an elephant tranquilizer dart just to get me to calm down and that even make me pass out all it did was just calm me down all my defense has been lowered but. I hissed at eggman "Why did you do that!" He said "I need you to calm down there not gonna hurt you, there basically standing there in shock because they didn't know you could do that." I was shivering so much but I wouldn't let them help me, Zazz woke up by this time and he stared at me and I gave him a warning hiss and he backed up, though Zavok started to walk towards me
and I started to growl until I started to cough up water very harshly and he ran to help me. He turned me over on my back and started to pump my chest so he could get the rest of the water out of my lungs, I harshly coughed up the rest of the water from my lungs and collapsed from exhaustion I blacked out.

Zavok's POV~

After I saw Sonic black out I kinda panicked, I may have developed a crush on the little blue hedgehog. "Don't worry Zavok he's just passed out, he'll be fine though we do need to get him someplace warm since he's not made for cold temperatures" Eggman said, "What do you mean not made for cold temperatures?" Zavok questioned "It means he's a dessert hedgehog, Dessert hedgehogs are made for the hottest of temperatures meaning they have shorter denser fur, longer sharper claws for climbing, bigger hips even the males, longer and sharper ears, and more skinnier bodies." Eggman said "Oh well Zeti's never knew much about mobian hedgehogs? Do you think you could teach us? You must've done some research on them also you said even the males have bigger hips, why is that?" Zavok once again questioned " Well that's where most of the leg muscles go since they live in desserts hence why there called dessert hedgehogs is because since the dessert is mostly sand they have to walk or run for very long periods of time, also to attract other males," Eggman said teacher like "Wait attract other males?" Zavok said dumfoundly "Yes since dessert hedgehogs were at war with the winter hedgehogs and the winter hedgehogs were killing all the females and the children they had to force evolve so male hedgehogs can get pregnant and to continue the dessert hedgehogs heritage." Zavok was a bit dumbfounded but didn't show it though Master Zik could see it, they all agreed to go back to Eggmans base in the lava mountains.

~Time Skip to where Sonic wakes up~

Sonic's POV~

All I saw was black and I tried remembering what happened. I remember drowning, Eggman saving me, me knocking out zazz, coughing and Zavok running towards me, Zavok......... Wait. I jumped up claws unsheathed, eyes like slits, quills bristled and sharp, and I ran in a blind panic, I felt a net wrap around my body and I fell across the floor I tried to struggle and cut the net but there heavy metal balls supporting the weight on the net and still in a blind panic I struggled while growling very feral like a big cat and I then roared in distress and my quills cut through the net and I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around me. I calmed down, my claws sheathed, fur flattening, eyes blowing up, and quills lower a bit and what I saw was surprising.......... It was Zavok.

Zavok's POV~

I held Sonic close to me petting down his quills "Shhh Shhh Shhh it's okay Sonic it's all good," Zavok cooed. He say that Sonic was beginning to fall asleep and started shivering again, he picked him up bridal style and hurried him back to the base and put him in a warmer place. I stayed there with my tail wrapped around his body as I kissed the top of his furry little head and I fell asleep.

Gosh dang it I freakin finished this like 4 days ago In a freakin Barnes and Nobles while sitting in the café drinking a Caramel Macchiato and eating a brownie with my friend eating soup I'm so freakin weak so hope you enjoyed this and have a great day but a little update I'm getting homeschooled to go to options so I might have more time to do more of these but I take a while to write one I don't just instantly type like super fast. But anyways hope you enjoyed this and have a nice day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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