This is not my body. It never was.
I don't mean it belongs to someone else or that everyone else owns my body. I don't mean for this to go any deeper than it sounds.
I am in control of this body, yes. This body technically belongs to me, yes. I was born into this body, yes.
People have trashed this body, yes. People have done things to this body that I don't approve of, yes. But no, this body is not their's. And it's not mine, either.I don't mean that this body is for everyone else to use and manipulate and destroy. That's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying that the body I've grown up in, isn't what I think of in my head. I mean there are parts of it that I've tried to cut off since puberty. And I don't know what it means. Everything about this body is foreign to me. It's got all these things about it that make me feel out of place. I don't know how to tell people what I feel about it because I barely understand it myself.
In the 6th grade, I exhausted myself trying to be as feminine as possible. With pink and skirts and dresses and the cute hairstyles and long hair. And in 7th grade I posted about how much I appreciated my femininity and I had an excessive amount of makeup. In 8th grade I pulled away from old girly friends who wore chevron and pink and blue and we're obsessed with all things beauty. I got a boyfriend and I forced myself to kiss him when I was scared. In the 9th grade, I started dressing "grungy" and loose but still feminine. I started hanging out with more boys, though. It was never because there was "less drama", but it was because I felt more comfortable with them. In the 10th grade, I started wearing baggy clothes. I forced myself to take photos of the body I felt distant from and send them to my ex who I knew was just using me for sex. I forced myself to let him grab me where he wanted even though just before, I stared at my chest in the mirror wishing it was flat. And now here I am, confused at myself and the way I forced so many things onto myself when I was uncomfortable with it all. I don't know what I feel. I don't know what I want. I just know that I don't want to force myself into anything anymore. I cut my hair; my mom said I look like a boy and my best friend told me I looked really masculine. It didn't feel weird when they said it. Unlike the times my dad said I looked like a "promising young woman". Or the times adults would say "what a lovely young girl".
I don't understand anything right now. I don't know what's going on my head. It's all so confusing and it makes me uncomfortable to say any of it.
All I know is that this body isn't mine and it never has been. I don't know how I can make it mine and make it a home for myself but I'll figure it out.