One Step Closer

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Chapter 2

I walked around the school, keeping my head down and hoping that no teachers asked me why I wasn't in lessons, but all the teachers that I saw just kept their distance and walked away. I followed the edge of the school grounds, trying to find an area of fence which I would be able to climb over, but all of it was about twice my height. I reached the sports field and saw that there were trees surrounding it, trees with branches that I could climb on, I ran, suddenly filled with hope and excitement, I reached a tree and started to climb. After a few minutes of climbing I stepped into a branch about halfway up. At first it seemed to hold my weight, but after a second I could feel it giving way.

The next second, I was falling through the air, I didn't have long enough to regain my senses before I hit the ground. Pain rushed through my body, it started from my back, then it poured into my legs and down to my feet, I couldn't breathe from the pain, I couldn't even scream for help, the pain was too excruciating.

I lay there for about 5 minutes, then I regained control of my legs. I needed to escape, and lying down here wasn't helping me at all.

I had to try again.

I found another tree, this time I inspected the branches to make sure they would hold my weight before taking each step.

I reached the top of the tree and looked over to the fence, I could make it over, I could get over the fence and run down the street, I would be free, I could get away from all of this.

I climbed from the tree to the fence, my hands gripped onto the metal bars like my life depended on it. Then I gathered all of my strength and pulled my leg over the fence and onto the other side, followed by the rest of my body.

I looked down.


I didn't think about this bit.

I thought to jump, I would probably injure myself and ruin my chances of getting free. So I slowly slid down the metal bars, friction burn ripping the skin from my hands.

I looked down again. I was about a foot from the ground. I reached my foot down and stepped onto the pavement. My legs felt unsteady under me but I couldn't stop to regain my balance, I needed to get away.

I set off down the street but I could feel something pulling me back, making it impossible for me to run. I stopped. Turned around and saw no one, then I turned back.

Towering over me was a tall man, dressed all in black but with bleached blonde hair. I went to scream but there was an invisible force holding my mouth shut. He reached a hand over to me and placed it on my shoulder.

Then everything went black...

Finally got over my writers block and managed to write Chapter 2.

Sorry it's a bit short.

Hope you all like it!

Carys :)


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