Chapter 12

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Thanks for everyone who votes and comments :).

and from now on ill give dedcations to who votes and comment .


*Sam’s P.O.V.* 

Me and Sasha walked into the kitchen. It was completely empty except for the one girl I needed to talk to... Kristi; perfect.
“Morning!” Said Sasha linking her arm with mine.
“Hey guys—whoa!” Kristi’s eyes widened once she lifted her head up. “Sam, you look--”
“I know, I know.” I said shaking my head. “No need to remind me.”
“What the hell happened to you?” She asked.
“I’d rather not talk about it.” I shrugged and sat down on the couch.
“Oh no way! I can tell something is seriously up with you and you know I won’t stop bugging you about it till you tell me.” Kristi stated as her and Sasha sat down next to me.
I took a deep breath preparing myself to tell them when Kristi’s hand shot up to my neck.
“What is that?!” She asked.
Sadly, Kristi’s had to deal with her share of sketchy guys so it was pretty hard to lie to her about this one.
“Where did you get that hicky from?” She asked.
Sasha’s eyes widened almost immediately. Gosh she is so naive sometimes.

I just sat there staring down at my feet not ever wanting to have to answer that question. There was a long silence, which I’m sure Kristi was using to fit all the puzzle pieces together.
“It was Joe wasn’t it?!” She finally spat out. “Sam, why would you do this? You know he’s the biggest jerk why would you let him--”
“I didn’t.” I spoke softly, cutting her off.
She fell silent as her eyes bore a hole through me.
“He... he...” I whispered through stuttering breaths.
I couldn’t even say the words.
“THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE RAPED YOU DIDN’T HE?!” Kristi shouted instantly followed by Sasha’s short gasp.
I nodded my head finally making eye contact with her trying to hold back the tears now forming in my eyes.
“Oh my god! I swear I’m gonna kill that little--”
“Wait!” I said finally raising my voice.
Kristi’s beat red face began to go back to her normal color as I got her attention.
“First of all, keep your voice down and second I have plan.”
“What do you mean?” Kristi asked. “We don’t have time for a plan. We gotta call him on it right now! He hurt you Sam, you can’t just let him get away with that!”
“I know, I know. Yes, he hurt me.” I said adjusting my seating position and squinting in pain.
I was still sooo sore from last night, I could barely sit.
“But, I don’t want him to get off so easy either. I want to make him pay for what he’s done. I want to get him back so good that hopefully, he’ll think twice before trying to be a bad boy again.” I smirked.
“Oh no Sam. You’re not still hung up on that whole ‘Joe’s still a good guy’ thing are you?” Kristi asked.
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I am and I won’t let it go until I can change him. Now you can either help me or not.” I said.
“Fine.” She sighed. “What was your plan?”
“I want you to change me.” I said as the corners of my mouth turned up into a smirk.

“What?” Kristi asked looking completely confused.
“I want you guys to change me into a bad girl. I want to get Joe to want me; totally toy with him and string him along. I’ll kind of become his slut and make him think that he totally has me. Then, I’ll become Nick’s slut too. Hopefully, when Joe sees me with someone else he’ll realize what it’s like to have something taken from him. Plus, maybe it’ll finally show him just how stupid this whole bad boy thing is.” I watched as both pairs of eyes lit up in excitement so I continued. “Also, I’ll need some help keeping Kevin busy. We all know he’s definitely the smarter one of the group and I don’t want him figuring me out and ruining the entire plan. I know you guys can change me and do the whole attitude and clothing makeover. Will you please help?” I begged giving them my puppy dog eyes.
They both looked at each other and then back at me as wide smiles spread across their faces.
“Of course we’ll help.” Sasha said. “I mean, I can’t believe you actually would want to become a slut but if that’s what it’s gonna take.”
“Yeah, anything to teach that scumbag a lesson, then I’m totally in.” Kristi added.
I gave them each a big hug and smiled in appreciation.
“Now hurry, we gotta do this before any of the guys wake up.” Kristi said and they both grabbed my hands and pulled me up the stairs to their room; and so the transformance began. 
ooooh the story begin to be excited :D .. so what do you think ?!

how will the boys react ?

will her plan work ?

tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote too , a lil vote makes me happy :D

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