Science vs God

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"To see is to believe.", isn't that phrase makes other people think, "If we can't see God, our creator, does it mean that he doesn't exist?". Well, that's a known fact, but although that phrase can be applied to other knowledge we have, it doesn't disprove God's existence.

Take for example the multiverse theory. Scientist and other physicist haven't proved the existence of multiverse right? But, it doesn't say that multiverses exists right? So, in that case, "To see is to believe", can't be applied to this knowledge. They say that subatomic particles called Electrons can be at two places at once. This means that these subatomic particles are"Omnipresent", God is Omnipresent, yet some people still doesn't believe in God.

The Big Bang Theory, although just a theory, many people still thinks that we come from a small point in space then exploded to a million particles and got assembled due to electromagnetism. But, the bible stated at Genesis 1:3 - "God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light", so in a sense, it meant that an explosion took place at the Genesis of the universe right? What a very eerie coincidence that The Big Bang Theory is an explosion made the first light of the universe and the statement of Genesis 1:3 which also made the first light of the universe! That very big similarity still isn't enough to some people.

God, who is our creator is the most Omniscient entity of the whole universe and that he holds all the secrets to our very existence. Does it mean that there is an algorithm in the very existence in the universe, as some well known physicist explained? Solving a Rubick's Cube is a very hard task, although some people can solve it in under a minute. scientist finally solved the least number of possible moves in solving a Rubick's Cube and it is 20 moves. So, Alas! We have an algorithm in solving a 3x3x3 colorful cube that has been a top trend in the puzzle community. 

Death, cold, peaceful but painful. Why do every living creature dies? Is this just a wake-up call for our civilization that maybe in some point, our while specie will flee out of existence? God, on the other hand, is immortal, he is our creator! Science haven't explained the possibility of a spirit and soul in every human flesh and blood, it haven't even discovered of what happens when you die. So, how come that still many people doesn't believe on one creator, the only creator, the omniscient, omnipresent, immortal and only God we have.

It is so stupid to think that some people like atheist doesn't believe on God. Why are we here? What's my true purpose in life? What are we doing? What's are place in the universe? When will the world end? When will I end? How come I am like this? Why am I feeling depressed? How can I help my family? These are just simple questions almost everyone has. Yet, we don't know the answer. But here's for sure, we can all count on our one and true creator by praying and being faithful to him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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