Chapter 1.

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'Jes!' Her best friend Sarah screamed her name. Jesley turned around and gave her a big hug and then they walked to school. When we were on school some guys came to say hello. When Jesley and Sarah were alone Sarah laughed. 'What?' Jesley looked around to see what's so funny. 'Don't look behind you but there's a guy and he can't stop looking at you.' I turned around and I saw him. He was tall, sexy and cute. He smiled to me and I smiled back. When I wanted to say something to Sarah the bell rung. 

Our first lesson was Maths. I closed my eyes for a bit and smiled to Sarah. Sarah was a pretty girl. We looked at the door and when we saw who came the class in we looked to eachother. 'Go sit next to him!' she whispers to me. I hesitated but when Sarah smiled to me I walked to the boy. 'Hey, I'm Jelsey, but call me Jes. Can I sit here?' I smiled to him. 'Hi Jes. I'm Harold, but call me Harry. Ofcourse you can.' 'Nice to meet you too.' Nobody was listening to the teacher. I sighed at looked at Harry. 'Is there something, Jes?' He saw me staring. Fuck. 'N-no. Why?' 

When the lesson was over Sarah ran to me. 'And? What is his name?' 'Harold.. I mean, Harry. Harry.' Sarah looked worried to me. 'Is there something?' I didn't answer. My head was by Harry. 'Helloooo?' I looked at Sarah. 'Hm? Oh, what?' I smiled fake to her. 'Is there something? Are you in love or something? You're doing weird stuff.' Sarah looked worried again. 'What? No? I'm not in love?' I began playing with my hair. 'You're playing with your hair! You never do that!' Sarah screamed to me. 

When it was lunchtime, Sarah and Jelsey goes outside to lunch. They began talk about a lot of things and laughed. Then Harry came to them. 'Hey.' He said. 'H-hey.' Jesley began to play with her hair again. 'Can I sit here?' 'Ofcourse you can.' said Sarah to Harry when I didn't answer. I stared at his hands. He had a lot of rings. Harry saw me staring. 'Here.'  He gave me one of his rings and smiled.

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