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4 years later, present day      Hana glimpsed over at her co-worker who was silently indulging in a client's report that seemed too boring for him to be that interested in

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4 years later, present day
Hana glimpsed over at her co-worker who was silently indulging in a client's report that seemed too boring for him to be that interested in.

Silently, she used the stiletto of her high heel to press slowly into Namjoon's foot which was as usual, stuck out under her table. He looked up, furrowing his brows at her, but caught the signal she was attempting to send with her exaggerated head movement.

The once empty table of the previous colleague next to him, now had a cardboard box with several office supplies threatening to spill from its tip. He looked around, his eye finally catching on a young lady, who seemed about his age walking toward the desk. She seemed rather interesting, but there was one thing that he looked at that sent a wave of goosebumps over him.

Her eyes.

They were much larger than the average asian's and were in fact a lighter shade of brown, almost gold, even. They seemed to pierce into him as she made eye contact with him, though startlingly glancing away from shyness.

The lady began to unload the box of supplies and files onto the whitewashed plastic layered desk. However, once noticing the slight attention she'd gotten from Namjoon by just walking toward her work area, she stopped and turned to him, and arm extended.

"I'm Zen," she said a slight grin lighting up her features. "I just got transferred from the other department last night."

Awkwardly, he allowed his hand to reach forward and collide slightly with hers. Palms warm from contact, he too smiled slightly. "Namjoon," he said.

Hana watched the whole exchange, smirking whilst noticing the sudden change of mood in Namjoon. "I'm Hana. If Namjoon seems too scary, you've got me, okay?"

Scowling at his co-worker, he turned away focusing back on his work, however his mind seemed to wander from his control, constantly brought back to Zen's eyes. He'd seen them somewhere, he just couldn't place his finger on it.

As familiarity overwhelmed in his mind everything clicked together.


Maya had those eyes, maybe darker, filled with a little more love, perhaps. But they were definitely similar. Breathing slightly heavy from the nostalgia, Namjoon diverted his gaze to the cubicle across from him only to see Hana looking back at him with a puzzled expression on her face.

Discreetly, he tapped the side of his eyes and mouthed Maya. Hana glanced over at Zen her own mouth slowly dropping in awe and shock. There definitely was a similarity, one that seemed too real to be true.


The thought of Zen's eyes stuck onto Namjoon even as he entered his apartment later that night. They seemed so surreal, just like the same eyes that Maya had. And just when he thought he was finally going to get over her-

"About time," Taehyung said standing up from the clothed couch interrupting Namjoon's thoughts, "I stayed up thinking you forgot your keys, could've used that beauty sleep y'know."

Namjoon mumbled an apology to his housemate and kicked his shoes off. He shuffled his tired sock clad feet across the tiling and pushed open the door to his room, cringing at the slight creak it made.

Grinning at his bed that awaited him, he climbed under the crisp white covers allowing sleep to slowly take over his body. "I've missed you." he mumbled to his soft toy of an animated character next to him whilst grabbing it and hugging it tightly.

He went to sleep, dreaming of Maya's eyes.

Long time no update eyy, okay okay sorry haha.
keep reading,
much love

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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