Part C: Summer Feelings

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       Part C: Summer Feelings 


    >>>>>>>>> Picture On The Side Of Candy, China, Elijah, and Bishop >>>>>>>>>>

     The cold air felt refreshing against my face as I sat Indian style in front of the air conditioner. I hated coming to Kayla's house in the Malcolm Projects. Kayla didn't live in the apartments, where all the shootings and killings went down over territory. She lived a few blocks up, in the ratchet ass town-homes, that were just a little more cleaner. The problem with these places was that they were constantly being broken into. If you didn't invest in an alarm system with these town-homes, you'd be wasting major money moving here. Luckily Kayla's alcoholic father still works from 4am in the morning, when his alcohol wears off, until 4pm in the afternoon, when he comes home changes from his construction clothes, and goes right back out to a local bar. He may be a mean ass drunk, but he's also a hard worker. He makes sure the bills stay payed and for the most part he gives Kayla money to do the food shopping. 

       It was twelve in the afternoon and Kayla and I, were heading out to the annual hood picnic, thrown by Chicago every summer. He even payed for a pool to be built inside the Rec upstairs, for when he threw this picnic. That's where the kids and teens mostly hung out at. The adults who went to the picnic stayed downstairs, near the alcohol and food. Everyone from the hood always came in their fliest gear, and the women came looking almost completely naked. My mom always complains about how these grown ass women come to the picnic in bikinis and know they wouldn't dare get in the pool. Her, Miss Kimora, and my Aunt Desiree, Elijah's mom, always talked about the hoes at the function. It was like there thing, and I'd been attached to the pool since it was built three years ago. As soon as I stepped into that Rec, the pool was going to be my destination.

       "Good or nah," Kayla asked coming from her room in the back of the house. She had on a sweetheart cut top, one piece bathing suit, with three slits on each of the side's. She paired her white bathing suit with a yellow gather skirt, designed with daisies, that stopped at her thighs on her long toned legs. She finished it off with her once again naturally curly hair, a pair of white framed shades that rested on top her head, and a pair of white Chanel sandals . "Hot," I smiled honestly. Even though Kayla claimed she didn't like any guys, she sure got there attention. "You trying to look cute for Elijah," I teased getting off the floor in my own skirt. Her cheeks got darker and she waved me off. "I didn't even know he was going to be there," she lied tussling with her hair in the hallway mirror. "Mhm," I started before laughing at her. She quickly tossed me the finger. "You ready to go," she asked? "Yeah I've got to pick up some things Chicago said he needed from Walmart, then pick up Nina and Jonisha, and then we're going to party," I joked dancing my way out the door.

       Kayla just made an annoyed sound, and probably not because of all the stops, but because of having to pick up Nina. 

      It had been two whole weeks since the end of the year party. The day after the party Nina was there at my door with Jonisha, tears in her eyes as she apologized, and told me and Kayla how sorry she was. Kayla pretty much ignored her, but I forgave her. Don't get me wrong, I damn sure wouldn't be telling her any of my business from now on, but we've been friends for way too long for me to just give up on her after one mistake. "Kayla, I'm not asking you to forgive her or to be her friend after what she's done to you, but can you at least be cordial to her. She might be acting out but, it may also be because she see's how well we get along and she gets jealous," I explained to Kayla.  

      She sat in the passenger's seat with her arms folded and sucked her teeth while looking straight ahead. "Baby," I teased pouting and trying to get in her line of vision. "I've told you where I stand. I don't like fake people and she has fake stamped all over her. The most her ass will ever get from me is a hi, and a mean ass mug," Kayla rolled her eyes and kept her gaze forward. I nodded and sighed knowing Kayla was as stubborn as a volcano. There was no controlling her and you'd better hope she doesn't erupt! I'd just have to take what she was giving me and hope Nina stayed in her place with Kayla. 

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