Faded Rainbow *BoyxBoy*

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"S-stop...." I mutter weakly as there is another blow to my face. My head flings back, hitting the cold marble floor, just like the persons heart in front of me... It wasn't always like this, we used to be happy. Then things changed, drugs and drinking got in the way, and girls took over his life. We used to be best friends... Until I fell in love with him. He never found out, but I knew there were obvious signs. Like the blushing when ever we touched, the increase in heart rate when he walked into the room, sweaty palms thinking about him... It was getting worse and worse as the days passed. It all came crashing down when I met Liam. Liam was the new bad boy in town. Except he was bisexual. I thought I had fallen in love with him, but he had proven me wrong. We dated for about a year-in that time I had lost my best friend- and as soon as he got what he wanted, he dumped me and left town. I was crushed, but not by the fact that he left me, but by the fact I didn't have my best friend anymore... My name is Aiden, I am 16 years old, and I fell in love with my best friend, now bully. We first became friends in kindergarten, when a little girl stole my animal crackers. I was just the little shy boy in the corner, so I was going to let her have them, but someone else had other plans. A little boy with pitch black hair, and sparkling green eyes stepped towards her. "Those are his and your going to give them back." He said in a commanding tone. He was a good 4 inches taller than the girl and she looked scared. She handed him the crackers and ran crying to the teacher. The little boy walked back over to me, and smiled.

"I'm Ethan, and these are yours." He said handing them over.

"I'm A-Aiden..." I said shyly, and from that day forward we were best friends. We stayed that way all through elementary school, and middle school, but in high school it all changed. Ethan started getting into girls, and was worried about popularity. I, on the other hand, could care less. I had figured out I was gay in the 9th grade, and Ethan was okay with that. He said our friendship would stay the same no matter what. That didn't stay true for long. In our Junior year, Liam came to town. I instantly liked him, but Ethan hated him. He said if I dated him our friendship would be done. Of course I didn't believe him and dated Liam anyways. That week Ethan changed his number, dropped all of my stuff off at my house, and started bullying me. At first it was just verbal like 'faggot' and 'worthless' but then it slowly progressed. He would walk by and shove me into lockers, kick me from behind, sending me sprawling across the floor. Now it is daily beating sessions after school. I started cutting after a month of the abuse, when he started mentioning my Mom. My Mom was raped and murdered walking home after work when I was in 8th grade, a year before I fell in love with Ethan. I think my Mom always knew I loved Ethan,even when I didn't. She always had this knowing looked that worked well with her, worn, aged face, and greying hair. She was only 35 but when my brother committed suicide when I was 10 she started dressing and became very protective. After she died my dad started drinking, and never coming home. When he was home, I would try anything to get his attention. I would cut my finger on a knife, burned my hand in the tea kettle, and even fell down the stairs. Every time I did, he would just tell me to go get the neighbor. My Dad died four months ago from a car accident he got in while drunk. He killed himself and seven other people, including a family on four with a three month old and a two year old. I was forced to move in with my aunt, who lived next door to Ethan. He doesn't even know any of this, he just thinks my Dad went on a business trip. I don't care to enlighten him. Sometimes at night, when I am sitting by my window, writing in my journal, tears pouring out of my eyes, and blood out of my wrists, I think 'what would it be like if I had told him I loved him? That he is the reason I realized I was gay?' Then the next day he reminds me why, by punch in the face or shove into a locker. Why did I have to love him? My best friend, now bully? The completely straight popular jock, who bullies the faggot emo kid in the corner? Why me? Why him? Why us?

Faded Rainbow (BoyxBoy)(LBGT)Where stories live. Discover now