Everything Changes

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I woke up slowly, feeling all the sore, muscles in my body stretch as I did, and I flinched, feeling the familiar pain. I looked over to my window, and I smiled, remembering it was Saturday, and the start of the short spring break. It only lasts about two weeks, but anytime away from the prison, and torture chamber, I call school is fine by me. That is two weeks without seeing him, the boy I hate with a passion -yet love with all my heart. I curse all my feelings, and my heart for loving him, because I know in my head that it is wrong. Completely and utterly wrong, and one day he could end up killing me, but I couldn't bring myself to stop loving him, and get rid of all those feelings, because I know deep down inside him, even if it is very, very, very deep, he is still that sweet, loving, and caring boy I had met back in kindergarten. I stood up out of bed, only wincing slightly as I felt a pull on all my muscles, and I looked out the window into the bright sunshine. It was almost May, and there were hints of summer if you looked closely enough. Some flowers are still blossoming, and my aunt's rose bushes still had small rose buds on it. I opened the window and a warm breeze came pushing in, and I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of fresh lavender, and chlorine from all the pools surrounding the house. We don't have one, but my aunt is getting on installed before the summer actually begins. I looked over to my neighbor's house, but quickly looked away when I saw Ethan staring right at me, and glaring. I knew he was either plotting new ways of conflicting pain on me, or he was cursing my existence, or the fact that I live next door. I swallowed hard, trying to keep the tears in. I honestly don't know how we could go from best friends, practically brothers, to him wanting to cause me pain, and hating me. I looked down at my wrists to see the old and healing scars, along with the fresh and peeling cuts. I walked over to my closet, and looked through what I had. I decided on plain shorts, a Black Veil Brides shirt, a few bracelets of different bands (positioned to hide the cuts), a simple black beanie, and my favorite pair of vans. I walked slowly to the bathroom preparing to see the worst. I set all of my clothes down on the counter, and hesitantly turned towards the mirror, inspecting my face. I had a busted lip, a bruise across my cheek bone, and a small cut along my eye brow. I shook my head then reached for the edge of my tee-shirt, peeling it off carefully. I wasn't shocked to see the damage inflicted there. I had a deep purple bruise that was yellowing around the edges across my ribs, and a few cuts scattered along my chest and torso. I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, and stripped off my boxers along with them before I turned to the shower and turned on the water, waiting for it to be warm enough, then slipping in letting the droplets of water cascade down my body, relaxing and soothing the sore muscles. I reached for the shampoo and smiled, noticing it was my favorite kind, Strawberries and cream. I know it's feminine and everything, but I like the smell so I'm going to use it. I was scrubbing it into my hair, when the door walked in and my little cousin walked in.

"Jezabel! What have I told you! Do not walk in when I am in the shower, or even when I'm in the bathroom at all! I could've been doing something that would have scarred you for life." I said blushing a deep crimson.

"I know what you mean. I've gotten the whole speech, and been through the classes. I was going to ask you something." Jezabel said hopping up onto the counter and sitting there with one leg on top of the other.

"What is it Jaz?" I asked, annoyance slipping into my voice as I rinsed the soap out of my hair, and reaching for the towel before she handed it to me, and I wrapped it around my waist, before stepping out and looking at her. Jezabel was 13 years old, but more like my little sister than my cousin. She had long blond hair that came down to her waist, and striking eyes that were blue with hints of green and flecks of gold in them. She was honestly extremely beautiful, which made me even more protective of her. She smiled a bright smile.

"Will you come with me over to Landon's house to go swimming?" She asked batting her naturally long eye lashes at me. I sighed. Landon was Ethan's little brother, but he was also Jezabel's best friend, so I couldn't say anything bad about him to her. I watched her for a couple seconds then nodded, defeated. She squealed and clapped her hands, then jumped off the counter enveloping me in a hug. I grunted with the force of her. She let go of me then happily skipped out of the room, and I sighed again, slowly getting dressed. I walked back in my room, and looked longingly at my skateboard before walking over to my drawers and picking out my favorite pair of swimming trunks. I walked out of my room and over to Jezabel's to see if she was ready yet, and I glared at what she was wearing. It was a hot pink bikini with ruffles all over the bottoms, and trims of lace along the top. I shook my head.

"You are not wearing that over there. Change." I said through gritted teeth. She groaned and searched through her drawers pulling out a baby blue bikini with jewels along the top. I nodded, and smiled as I turned and walked out of her room going downstairs so she could change. I waited by the front door, tapping my foot. About ten minutes later Jaz walked down the stairs and we walked to the neighbors, and I knocked on the door, holding my breath. The door opened revealing Ethan in swim trunks with no shirt on. I gasped and coughed while Jaz gave me a weird look then walked inside leaving me alone with Ethan. He glared at me, and moved aside so I could walk in. I walked into the backyard already seeing Landon and Jaz in the pool, and splashing each other. I sat in the chair, and set my swim trunks and towel on the table, staying in the cool shade. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the chair next to me move, and I turned my head slightly to see Ethan sitting down next to me, and smirking. A cold chill ran down my spine and I looked back at the pool.

"Aiden, why aren't you swimming? Have fun!" Jaz whined from the pool, I shook my head looking down. I dared not to talk when Ethan was sitting so close to me. I stood up, not looking at anyone and walked back into the house, and into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle. I sighed and leaned against the counter taking a drink of water. I heard the sliding glass door to the backyard open and close and I took a quick glance, and saw it was Ethan. I gasped and looked down hoping he would leave me alone, but I knew that wouldn't happen.

"Why are you in my house?" He growled looking at me. I wouldn't look up at him, I was frightened. "Are you going to answer me you little emo?" He said walking closer, and knocking the water bottle out of my hand. I looked up and him, and suddenly I couldn't look away. I bit my lip, and moved back a little more, trying to get enough distance between us. He took another step, and put one arm on each side of my body.

"Why did you leave me...?" I whispered looking into his eyes; he looked shocked, but then quickly gained his composure.

"I didn't want to be friends with a fag. I would get teased, you would fall in love with me, or worse yet I would end up like you." He said pushing me lightly and taking a few steps back.

"You knew I was gay a while before that... It only changed after I started dating Liam." I said quietly, still looking at him. When I said his name his face darkened.

"I warned you not to get involved with him, but yet you went behind my back! What? Just for him to screw you then dump you and leave town. You're pathetic Aiden. You let him use you, you knew what would happen. You heard all the stories." Ethan growled out, his voice raising, becoming louder, and I flinched.

"He told me I was different... That I was special... He made me believe we loved each other and would stay together forever." I said tears slipping down my face. His eyes softened slightly.

"You are stupid to believe that. You are no better than anyone else he had used, and you know it. You are worthless; no one would ever want you. Everyone would be better off without you Aiden." He said before walking outside, leaving me to think about what he had said... I walked out of the house, and back to my own, determined to do what he said. He was right, everyone would be better off without me. I walked up to my room, grabbed my razor out of its hiding place, and walked into the bathroom locking the door. I looked at the razor, and then looked down at my wrist, making the first cut watching a small trickle of blood come out. I started making multiple cuts on each wrist, each one deeper than the previous. I sighed in release as the darkness settled in and swallowed me whole...

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