Chapter 1

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My name is Sam, but my family calls me Star. This nickname was given to me by my parents when I was born. This came about because my parents had wished for a  daughter on a star one night and well here I am. Star, is only used by my family and I have just gotten used to it. When I was little my mother always expected me to act like a Princess, which wasn't terrible. I took an interest into the Knights that protected our castle and I wanted to learn how to become one. When I reached a certain age I became tired of the boring lessons and confronted my parents about learning to defend myself. 

                   "I have been meaning to ask you something"

This grabbed the attention of my Mother and my Father continued to eat his meal.

                   "What is it child, speak up!"

                   "Well I have been thinking, what if one day we were attacked and I had to defend myself"

This caught the attention of my Father, but my Mother continued. 

                  "That would never happen, you have guards by your side every moment of every day. What does this have to do with Star?"

                  "I just think that if the time came, I should be able to fight back. I want to learn how to   defend myself"

A few seconds passed by and everyone was silent. Then my Father spoke up. 

                  "The child has a point and I would love to teach my daughter a couple of tricks"

I was filled with joy until my Mother started to speak.

                  "Absolutely not! A Princess fighting with swords?! That isn't right!"

                 "Please Mom I really want to do this, I will still come to my lessons and after I will go with Dad"

She looked at me and then at my Father for help, but he clearly had made up his mind. She let out a defeated sigh and spoke. 

                "Fine, but I want you to practice harder and no complaining"

So after my Mother's lessons I would race out to the fields to meet my Father. We would practice with bows, swords, shields, and spears. The Knights took an interest on how fast I picked things up. One of the Knights spoke with my Father and volunteered to teach me how to ride a horse. The Kinght's name was Ryder and he was like an older brother to me. Ryder was thirty and had long blond hair. 

               "Okay, so when you're fighting you wanna have a strong grip on the horse and the other with the sword."

Max, the horse my Father had given me, was very stubborn at first, but warmed up to me fast. He was a beautiful white mustang and as loyal as they come. I got really good at defense and could beat my Father by the time I was eleven. I could finally knock Ryder off his horse and it was always amusing to watch him fall into the mud. Ryder would get right up and try to throw some at me, but I was always fast to dodge it. Everything was perfect, but perfect things always come to an end. My Mother became very sick and was dying. I stayed by her side night and day. 

               "How are you feeling?"

               "I have seen better days"

               "Mom, do you think you will get better?"

She sighed and did not answer for a couple of minutes. 

              "No one can live forever and I will always be with you"

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