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Shouted Baekhyun the moment he saw Taeyeon in front of their classroom's corridor.

Taeyeon painted a frown on her face, due to the fact that it's early in the morning and you can hear Baekhyun's loud brawls from afar.

"What now? It's early in the morning, and you couldn't resist your talkative mouth." Said Taeyeon as she rolled her eyes over Baekhyun.

"Stop being so meticulous, I oath to kill you." Baekhyun fires back, and he really did.

"You!!" Taeyeon tries to avenge for herself and ran after the younger who was about to enter the classroom.

Tsk. You're so annoying and gay, but even though you're like that, I still like you.

Taeyeon whispered in the air.

Well yes, she loves Baekhyun. The two of them are childhood friends, but Taeyeon doesn't like to label herself as just a FRIEND.

Apparently, what can she do with it? Baekhyun doesn't think of her like she does.

"Tae, what do you think I should give to Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asks as Taeyeon pulls her assigned seat.

"What's the event?" With twitching eyebrows, Taeyeon stared at him.

Is it Chanyeol's birthday? She added to herself.

"It's our anniversary next month." He answered back.

Taeyeon whispered to herself.

How come I forgot?

Since, it's their 4th Anniversary, Baekhyun thinks he already gave his all to Chanyeol.

But...my b-body

Baekhyun said to himself.

"Gift? Maybe a ring or something he wants."

And that's when Baekhyun feels that it's about time to give in.

Maybe it's enough, right?

Baekhyun shook his head in order to erase what's going on in his head right now. But that wasn't enough to get the thoughts of him and Chanyeol doing that one day. 

This is not the right time. Yes it's not, Byun Baekhyun. Baekhyun said to himself, calming himself on the inside while Taeyeon judges him quietly.

What is this person trying to do? With furrowed eyebrows, Taeyeon asked to herself.

"Baekhyun, tell me. Are you on drugs?"

Chanyeol and Baekhyun were best friends and classmates in highschool, but didn't have the same classes in college. That's because they have different interests in careers.

Chanyeol majors in BS Archi, on the other hand, Baekhyun majors in BS Psych, clinical.

Well, obviously, Baekhyun wants to walk on the path of being a doctor or a fellow who people can rely on and get a consultation whenever they are undergoing struggles. While, Chanyeol dedicates his career to his mom, who wishes for him to be an Architect in the future as she saw Chanyeol's passion in renovating, fixing and drawing.

"What's up with you now, Soo?" Baekhyun asked as he approaches the doe-eyed friend Kyungsoo with creasing his forehead who waits for Chanyeol and Jongin to come back after buying their meal.

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