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"Pshh as if you'll ever come see me...your what 40000 miles away," I laughed at my friend and listened to her talking.

"How would you know ??" She said laughing.

"Whatever, well I better go," I said frowning.

"Why so soon?? " She asked also frowning.

"You know...my parents don't like me on the phone too long," I listened for the sound of footsteps coming down to my room to tell me I needed to get off the phone.

"Well I love you Clio," she said in a friendly way.

"Love you Adeline, Bye," I hung up the phone and opened my door to find (surprisingly) no one there.

I walked down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen. I placed the phone on the counter and grabbed a bag of cookies. I began to walk upstairs when I started hearing noises from the garage. I turned around and went towards the garage door. I slowly opened it ,but I saw nothing. I went to the freezer to grab some fruit figuring that I'd have a smoothie. I stuck a cookie in my mouth holding it there as I opened the freezer and grabbed a bag or fruit. I closed the freezer and turned around a cookie sticking halfway out of my mouth.

"Hello Clio," it said in a raspy deep voice.

I ran towards the door a cookie still halfway out of my mouth and frantically jingling the doorknob willing it to open.

"Come on come on!" I yelled frantically looking behind me seeing he was gone.

"Clio?" I heard my dad say coming into the kitchen.

I pounded at the door hoping he would hurry.

"Clio??" He said again opening the door.

I frantically closed the door and locked it putting my back to the door.

"Clio what the hell happened? Why were you screaming? I'm trying to sleep....you know I just got back from my business trip," he looked at me disappointed.

"Dad someone was out there in the garage. They knew my name. Daddy I was scared and the door was stuck and.." I was cut off by a hug.

"Clio nothings ever gonna hurt you. I'll go check it out okay?" He smiled and opened the door grabbing the baseball bat by the door.

He scanned everywhere nd saw nothing. He grabbed the bag of fruit and came back inside.

"Clio im sure it was nothing. Now go make me and you a smoothie and don't worry about it okay?" His eyes sparkled like a true dads eyes would.

"Okay," I smiled and took the bag carefully.

I managed to make the smoothies without anything looming from any dark corner or jumping through the window....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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