The family

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So once upon a time a family lived so happily in a lovely house, the mum is 36 years old now and had lives with her husband for 22 years in 2 weeks. She works in a bank and earns a lot of money, there dad, who is a governor, earns a lot of money to. They have got one pretty daughter called Anne, she has always wanted to adventure the outside world but she never has chance to since her mum and dad are always busy. She has always wanted to see her grandmas but her mum and dad say that she is very ill and she can't go near her. Anne is 12 now she has home school but she hasn't got a lot of friends really.

So I've told you about the family but this is about the grandmar, she suffers from a illness that causes her back to really hurt and get headaches. She has to take special medicines to help her. Did I mention her name? Well if I didn't her name is poptol smith, you are probably thinking,WHAT!  But her mum was half French and her dad was just English. She dosent say her name like that, really because she hates it but she just likes people to call her poppy, so we do. This will now lead us to the present day now.

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