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Youngjae still remembers how cold the classroom was that day. He remembers how sunny it was outside and how he couldn't wait until it was lunch time. He remembers the excited whispers of the girls and the groans of the boys.

That was the day Park Jinyoung transferred to his class.

Jinyoung was the most popular boy in the school and was always located in classroom 2-C.

No one knows why Jinyoung transferred to class 2-D, but no one really questioned it either. Everybody was just happy there was finally a hot boy in their class.

"Youngjae!" The teacher calls out, snapping Youngjae out of his brief daydream. Youngjae lifts his head to look at the teacher.

"Yes?" He asks with a perplexed tone to his voice. Everybody giggles and Youngjae hears a couple people mutter under their breaths insults.

"Show Mr.Park who you are." Youngjae rolls his eyes, putting an earbud in his ear and raises his hand, "Jinyoung, you will sit behind him. Good luck." The teacher pats him on the back before sending him off to his seat.

Jinyoung walks towards Youngjae, capturing his gaze before winking. Youngjae can smell his cologne, knowing it was an expensive brand.

Not only was Jinyoung the most attractive, sporty, nice kid at their school he was also the richest. He drives a different car each day of the week and they are usually Lamborghini's or BMW's.

Youngjae didn't know why his parents would buy their kid those expensive cars, maybe it was a rich person thing.

Who knows.

Youngjae remembers the first time Jinyoung ever talked to him. It was in gym class. Youngjae was walking around the track with nobody with him and all of a sudden, Jinyoung runs up to him and starts chatting up a storm.

Youngjae was quite confused but happy.

Nobody usually talked to Youngjae. He has always been the outcast and every single time someone would even talk to him, Youngjae was filled with happiness.

"Choi Youngjae!" Jinyoung runs up beside Youngjae and puts his arm around the younger's shoulders, "How are you?"

"I'm a bit tired... What about you?" Youngjae awkwardly responds making Jinyoung bite his lip and giggle a bit.

"I'm good. I'm good. I'm actually really happy I got moved to class 2-D. Class 2-C was full of idiots. Like, can't add or subtract kind of idiots." Jinyoung rambles, never taking his arm off of Youngjae's shoulders.

"Oh, wow. That's pretty bad." Youngjae and Jinyoung chuckle before the coach blows his whistle for the class to go back inside the gym.

"Well, Youngjae, let's talk sometime in class, Okay?" Jinyoung winks before fully turning his body away from Youngjae and sprinting inside.

What is up with him and winking?

Youngjae remembers the first time Jinyoung sat with him at lunch. The school was serving their oh-so-famous, Deep Dish Pizza, where it tasted like a soft, greasy piece of cardboard.

Youngjae never really sat with anyone, he just sat at a table alone on his laptop or behind a book.

He never really minded though.

"Hey, Youngjae!" Jinyoung waves from across the lunchroom, focusing everybody's attention to the younger.

Youngjae blushed heavily before waving back and Jinyoung took the wave back as an invitation to come sit with him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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