Gone {Rapmon Angst}

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We were walking through the store. Slowly grazing through the isles slowly setting items in the cart. As we grazed passed the hair dye I stopped. My finger tips slowly going over the blondes then the browns. To the exotic colors. The blues and greens, purples and yellows. I looked up into the light getting back off my hands whipping my jeans slowly. I looked around. The store slowly moving around me.
"Namjoon?" I asked looking around the isle was empty except for a few lonely shoppers.
"Namjoon!" I yelled again. Starting to worry. Next thing I know. I'm gagged and driving away.

Namjoon Point Of View.
Y/N was taken by the gangs. We don't know where (he/she) is. I don't sleep without (him/her.) I just sit alone I bed. Hoping Y/N will crawl back to bed with me. Safe and sound. Where is (he/she?) I miss you Y/N please come back.

I received a phone call. Later That week.
"Hello?" I asked
"Is this Y/N's Boyfriend (he/she) keeps crying for?" They told me.
"Yes why?! Where is (he/she?!)" I half screamed through the phone.
"Don't worry. They are still sitting here. Tied and gagged would you like to hear?" The sick voice questioned me.
"Where." I commanded my blood boiling.
"Y/N! Speak up for him! He wants to hear your pain." They told (him/her.)
I heard distant cries through a small weep. I heard muffled names being called out. I only caught my own. The phone call ended after Y/N called for me.
"God Damn It?!" I screamed into our flat.
"Where are you?!" I yelled again looking at our picture.

The times we cried and laughed together what happened Y/N.. Who took you.

Third Person.
Namjoon began to go insane looking for you. Slowly growing more crazy.
He saw you through his eyes. No pain. No stress. He talked to no one though he used your name.

You lay still tied up. You heard sirens and gun shots. It awoke you. Your slightly bruised arms and legs frozen. My hair ruffled I coughed looking for better air.
As the door opened I screeched. Hoping for no pain.
"Please." I begged through the muffled gag.
The person took of the gag. I looked them in the eyes. They looked. Relieved.
"My Name Is Officer Lio." He stated carrying me out.
"I need him." I pleaded. Coughing and gasping for air. He laid me on a stretcher.
"You need who Y/N tell me who." He said putting an air mask over my mouth cautiously.
"I need him!!" I yelled again my heart rate speeding.
"Okay calm down. You don't want to kill yourself. I need a name."
My mind raced.
"K-Kim Namjoon!" I yelled through the mask carrying my heart slowly stopping.
He told me to hang In there. I gasped and gasped.
"Namjoon Please!" I yelled.

"Your (gf/bf.) Is..... Barely Awake..... 5th Street..... Hospital.... Trying to survive. Barely hanging in.... Asking for you."
Everything was on slow. I ran to the room.
"Y/M/L." I gasped out. The nurse was going through and nodded.
"Room 547." She told me. I ran to the Elevator.
As I reached the room I slowly walked in. Her laying there. Cords connected everywhere.
"Y/N.." I sighed. Sitting next to her. I took her hand as her eyes fluttered open.
"Who are you?" She gasped pulling her hand away.
You end it as you like <3

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