My new cali life (a sam pottorff fan fiction)

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As I was getting off the bus I couldn't help but think this day could get any worse. that was until in unlocked the front door. My parents were sitting at at the kitchen table talking. When they looked up their faces say they have to tell me something but they dont know how to say it without hurting me.

"Rose we need to talk." my dad famous Hollywood movie producer Wayne Bell tower says

"Um, ok what about." I say walking over to the kitchen table and dropping my backpack onto the floor.

"Well um," my mom famous super model Morgan Belltower started with a shaky voice

"Oh my god. Please tell me  you and dad aren't getting a divorce" I say

"no no honey we arent,." my parents both say at the same time

" then what is it?" I ask my parent who were now looking at the ground.

" well you know how your father and I are always flying between here and Orange County, California? my mom asks while slidding me a small package of gummy bears.

" uh yeah" I say while ripping the package open, taking one out and eating it.

" wearemovingoutthereintwoweeks." my dad says in one quick breath

"um I didn't catch that you have to slow done a bit daddy-o" I say even thou I know exactly what he said.

" I said we are moving out there in two weeks." mu dad said slower this time

With that I ran up the stairs to my room crying and I called my best friends Lexi Wilson and Hailey Rhoads.

Lexi and I have been friends since 4th grade and Hailey and I have been friends since 9th grade.

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