My eyes had widened as I read the list of names given to me by Mr.Walker after class.
Group 54
Jonny Triod
Louis Tomlinson
Miranda Twains
Harry Styles
Haley Mcroy
Lisa Mintroy

" You are the leader Lisa. You will make sure everything gets done and everyone does some work . "

" I am sorry ,what ?!"

" You are the leader Lisa ,don't disappoint me okay?"

"But mr.Walker,I don't even know anything about it yet !"

" Nobody knows Lisa , there will be a leaders conference at the science lab today after school ,I expect you to be there .Okay?"

I had muttered a half-assed 'okay' And walked away.
Being a leader on a group project might seem fun and powerful ,but it really is not. First of all , all the responsibility of getting the work done is thrown onto your back while the rest of the kids get to live their happy lives peacefully. Second ,if you get too caught up in work , you tend to forget about something called ' feelings' and then ,you end up forgetting someone's name or telling them to get over a stupid ex and they then together make you feel like a huge jerk when you are only a small one.
Either that , or your name gets forgotten and you feel like a stupid chicken running around trying to be nice when no one gives a shit .

All in all , when you are an average student, pretending to be an excellent one , who is also bad with social interaction, being made a leader of a group project is the worst thing that can happen to you at school .

Which is exactly what I had been trying to explain to my friend Tracy for the last 45 minutes when we were at her house after school.

" It's so stupid ,there are people who I don't even know ! Like , why is the school even doing this ? As if this will get people to bond more ,not our problem stupid Michael decided to trip james during that soccer game ,or Lebra tried hitting Zelta on her forehead with a butter knife during that fair , or Manny tried throwing that kid Luke down the stage during the production .
Oh my god wait. Our school is a horrible place !"

"Okay . Yeah, calm down you bitch. You are the leader ,you have 3 hotties in your group .What is your problem ?"

" You know what ?It's like everything I just spoke right now , bounced right above your stupid head!" . I waved my hands above her head , demonstrating a ball bouncing above her head.

" I know you are scared but chill. Just ,you have their numbers call them and tell them to meet you tomorrow at lunch .I ll do it for you , don't give me that look ." I smiled at her as she took the phone from my hand and dialled in the numbers .


Surprisingly, all of them agreed to come .

Tracy was a good talker and she was very pretty so she could always get people to like her and stuff. I still wonder why she hasn't ditched me for the populars yet .
Just kidding ,I know why .It's because she doesnt really care for attention.

Speaking of attention ,
Half the people in my ' project group ' are smothered with it very single day . Kids don't worship them but the amount of people who shut up when they want to make a 'cool' announcement is way too many .

I just sat there , waiting for somebody to show up , when I felt somebody speak from behind me .

" Who the fuck are you ?"

I turned around , and was met with the sight of harry styles , obviously attached to the hip with his girlfriend .

"Are you going to talk or just stare at us you hideous nerd?"
The girlfriend decided to speak up .

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