Ever Lasting Fault

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I was wrong all along;

I thought that you need me;

that you also liked being with me;

yet I was wrong.

I thought that being with you

is all I need to do,

yet I was wrong.

I thought that I can reach your heart,

that the countless stories we've shared were enough,

yet I was wrong.

I had my eyes on you all the time,

and I thought that yours were on mine,

I was definitely wrong.

I never got anything right,

I'm just getting my hopes high.

Even from the beginning of our time,

I should have never talked to you

if only i knew that everything would gone wrong.

It's not because I regret my time being with you,

but it's for the reason that I don't want

to get hurt by the same method

I was hurt before, not from you

who I thought that can save me

through these all.

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