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I ran. Well, more like stumbled around blinded by tears down the street. If you think Im over reacting, come back and talk to me when you get a phone call at 2am in the moring telling you that your bestest friends, your favorite people, the ones you love most are suddenly ripped away from you. Dead. My parents are dead. Gone. Left. Left me alone in this world to fendd for my self.

Okay,so maybe im exaggerating a little, but right now, I could careless of how much I stregth the truth. Right now, Im not think of the dead,cold, dismantled body of my parents. Im not thinking of whats to beome of my future without them. Right now, Im thinking what the heck is that bright light doing shinnng in my eyes.

Its to much. I cant take it. The sobbing made me weak and the light just adds to it. I stumble the collapse into a dark corner. Everything the goes black.

* * * 

Ggggod Morning Iloniosi! Man I had a strange dream. Oh well, I'm not going to let that nightmare ruin my good mood. Why am I in such a good mood, you may ask? Because today marks 2 months! 2 months until schools out and summer vacas in!

With my eyes still closed, i reach over to grab my celllphone to check the time. My hand touches the dresser and is moving around, feeling for.... wait, that not my dresser. My eyes fly open and i stare down at the cold hard surface i was touching. Gravel. 'Whys there gravel in my...' I stop short my thought with a sudden gasp. I jerk upwards into a sitting postuion and iim rewarded with a ponding headache. 'What the...' I say outloud.

Then it hits me like a rock. All the events of last night come flooding back. The phone call. My amazing running skills. My parents. A knot in my stomach that I didnt relaize was there suddenly tightens.

I get to my feet, carefully this time, not wanting my headache to worsen. I walk out of the alley, gross, and turn the corner. 'oh' I say as I mentally slap myself (V8 stlye ;), 'ofcouse'. The light from last night was a 24hour dinner.

I check my self in the reasturants glass window. Yikes! I look like I cried my self to sleep then got mugged. And I smell. 'Thats what you get when you fall asleep in the gutter', I mentally curesd nyself. ' Better get home before my parents get worried about me.' My parents. I started to cry again as i ran all the way home,up the stairs, in my bedroom, through myself on my bed and cried my self to sleep.

* * *

"Ms.Smith, Ms.Smith, wake up."

I groan. What is that noise?

"Mrs.Smith, wake up, now."

"Ahhhh!", I scream. I fall out of my bed. I'm staring face to face with the biggest, furriest creature I've ever seen.

"Ahhhh," I scream again. " What the..."?!?

" Mrs.Smith?"

I rub my swollen, blurry eyes and look around the room, trying to find out where the sound coming from.

"What?" is all I can say. The only person who calls me Ms. Smith is my History teacher when hes ticked.

"Ms.Smith", the voice said, " we need you to come with us, please."

When I finally regain my vision, I see 3 officers standing in my bedroom. With a dog.

I laugh a little crazly at my stupidty and how I couldnt recognize a dog.

"What?" I say again, stupidly.

" We need you to come with us." he says slowly, like im 4. I'm 17, thank you very much.

He reminds me of parents, always treating me like a littlle kid. My parents. I swalloed the lump that has risen in my throat. Don't cry, I willed myself, Don't you dare cry.

I took a deep breath and looked right at the officer. " Okay, I'll go."

Hey readers! This is my first, officle story so plz comment and tell me what you think.

Most writer have " Goal likes" but i have "Goal readers". Goatta start with the bascis ;)

My goal reader for friday is 25. PLz help me out!


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