Chapter 1: Because of Misery

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She cried a lot. Not being a hypocrite or anything cause I did to, but in my Aunts case, it was kind of extreme.

She cried at the police station. She cried at the gury. She cried at the funeral. Even after I came to live with her, she cried for a whole week.

She was kind of a hypocrit herself, telling me things like " be strong" or " we'll get through this". But I dont blame her. After Grams, my grandparents, died, my mom and dad where her only family. Her sister and brother-in-law.

Even though its pretty hard on me, leaving behind my neighbourhood, friends and school, I could only imagine how devasting it would be on Aunt Jackie. Wakeing up one morning with your family taken away from you and this child in your arms.

One day, I couldnt take it anymore. It was 3am and my Aunt was still in her room crying.I put on my jacket, grabbed my Aunts keys and went for a drive. I didnt know where I was going, but I didnt care.

I kept driving untill I hit a diner. Uncle Bill's Java House. It was 24/7, so I decided to go inside.

The diner, excuse me, Java House, was pretty empty, not that surpising at 3am in the morning.

I took a seat and the far back of the house, curled up in a ball, and cried.

* * *

I must have fallen asleep, because next thing I know, Im being gently shoken awake. Rule 1#, NEVER wake ne up when Im sleeping. Ever. Unless your the police. I gusses this guy didnt know that, go figures, but he still deseverd what was coming for him.

" Excuse me , Ms..." he started

"What?" I snapped.

He flinced at my outbusrt, but quikly recoverd. " You were sleeping so my..."

" No, I was playing dominos" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. " If I was sleeping, whyd you wake me up? Didnt your mother ever teach you not to wake people up when theyre sleeping?"

He flinced again, strange.

" Didnt your mother ever teach you not to fall asleep in cafés?" He replied as sharply as I gave it. His eyes where cold and hard, but at the same time, a purplish blackish color.

I quicky snapped out of it when what he said to me registerd. My mother. I swalloed the ever growing lump in my throat but the hurt must have shown on my face because his eyes softend a little. But his words where as cold as ever.

" Dont dish what you cant eat". He turned and walked away. But then he stopped, and turned back to me.

" And BTW, my boss forced me to wake you up. No one wants to eat in a place full of dirty runaways."

I jumped up with such force, ready to give it to him good, when a sharp pain went through my head. I cluched my head and groaned.

"hey.." he started but before he could finish, I ran out of the café to my car.

I slid down the side of my car, buried my head in my hands and cried.

Hey Guys! Hope you liked this chapter. Will there be a little romance thing that'll go on between June and the waiter, or was that just a one time thing? Will June eventally met some one later on? Come back on: TUESDAY/WENSDAY to find out!

My goal reads is still 25 cause its not Friday yet.:)

Goal VOTES: 5 !

Random thing: Dont eat warm ice cream, it taste funny. :p

Picture of waiter's eye color. ( im not going to have a celeb character for him, sry :( )

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