Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Bee was thrust to the ground multiple times and shot in various places. This was not the most pleasant fight he had ever had, in fact, he thought, this wasn't even a fight, this was him getting beat up.

5 minutes. Bee could barely focus on what 5 minutes meant with his helm smashing all over the place.

Finally Megatron stopped and suspended Bee from the ground. "I tired of these games scout, the only reason I am putting up with you is because if you didn't know anything you wouldn't have spent so much time insulting and distracting me. I'll give you credit scout you are a clever mech, thats why I know you will tell me what I want to know." growled Megatron, getting closer to Bee's face with each word.

"Yeah thats right I'm a genius and that's why I am never going to tell you anything." Bee managed to squeeze out through his vocal processor that was being clamped down on by Megatron.

4 minutes. Bee could do this he could stay alive for that long, well he sure hoped he could.

Megatron was getting tired of this useless prattle and these witty remarks of the annoying yellow autobot. "This isn't that difficult to understand, you tell me what I need to know and I terminate your spark painlessly, if I am feeling nice." Megatron couldn't stand much more of this he would make the autobot talk, and when he did he would make sure that his death was slow and painful.

"You know I don't think that's possible, to extinguish a spark painlessly, so its a definite no for me." Bee really didn't know where he was getting these corny responses from, there were tons of error messages in his processor saying how illogical it was to stand up to this particular mech with such snooty remarks. "I don't think you like my voice very much right now, am I right? so I won't tell you anything and therefore I'll spare you from hearing me speak again. How's that sound?"

3 minutes. "That sounds very appealing to me scout, you do not realize how much you will regret saying that, in a matter of moments I believe I will rid you of that horrible voice. Unless of course you would like to tell me what the autobots are planning." He said persuasively.

Bee had to hold out for two minutes, and he was running out of things to say. He would have to wait the longest time possible between responses. so he waited for about half a minute and then put a face on like he was about to say something. "Those words will never leave my vocal processor." He said as slowly as he could, trying to make it sound like it was even harder to speak than it actually was.

Megatron let out an aggravated yell and rumbled: "then you will never say anything again!" WIth that Megatron squeezed Bee's neck with immense force, digging his claws into the vocal processor.

Bee's neck cables sparked and crackled, creaking with the pressure from the tyrants hand. Bee let out an agonizing screech that turned into bursts of static as his Vocal processor was turned to scrap. 30 seconds. Bee focused long enough to send a text to Ironhide before the pain overcame him: Sorry I broke our promise.

Ironhide and the team had just finished the launch sequence and were standing guard to make sure everything went smoothly. He was standing around anxiously, his every thought about Bumblebee. He couldn't even believe that Bee had ran into Megatron, and the fact that they hadn't heard from Bee since his last text worried him beyond belief.

Ironhide felt a twinge in his spark before he received the second Text. He knew something was wrong and was about to ask Optimus for permission to leave, when he got the horrible text. He staggered backwards holding his spark. His spark really didn't hurt that much compared to if he and Bee had an actual familial bond, but for him this feeling was way worse than anything he had ever felt. It was nothing really, just a little knot, but it meant so much, it meant that Bee could be... No he wouldn't think about that, He had to be okay.

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