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"I'm not sure what you want me to do," Lucius admitted. He was leaning against the fireplace while Severus sat on the couch. Books were strewn across the coffee table and the curtains pulled tight. 

"We both know Harry suffered physical abuse." Lucius nodded his head waiting for Severus to continue and the other man sighed. "Neither of us have spoken to him about it since he first arrived... right?"

"Of course," Lucius rolled his eyes. "I mean, what would I even say to the boy?"

Severus snorted and pulled a book off of his coffee table before tossing it to Lucius. "If you're curious then read up." Lucius caught the book and turned it over to read the title. 

"You're reading about how to talk to victims of abuse?" Lucius asked, incredulously. "Severus, isn't your personal experience enough?"

The other man shrugged and pulled his coat tighter around his body. "Everyone reacts to it differently. A slytherin girl who's mother laid a hand on the girl all break would break down and cry the moment someone raised their voice but..."

"Harry only flinches." Lucius continued for him. Severus nodded and waved his wand in the direction of the kitchen, calling two mugs of tea to the table. They settled themselves on a couple of magazines and Severus picked them up. He moved them to a clear spot before shuffling the books into a pile.

"I'm not sure what to do." The man ran a hand through his black hair and took a sip of his tea. "I used to dream of escaping my own father but I was never sure what i wanted people to say after they found out. Sympathy? No, that just made me feel worse. Hatred? Definitely not. Them being happy that I escaped felt like I had never belonged to my father in the first place."

Lucius strode from the wall to take a seat next to Severus and squeezed the man's shoulder. The only kind of comfort Severus would ever allow after his father. Severus smiled at him in thanks.

"We'll figure it out," Lucius spoke up. "Draco will help too, I'm sure."

"Draco?" Severus asked, shocked. "Those boys can't see past their own egos. I doubt either of them will be friendly to each other when we return. Speaking of, did Narcissa ask you about our unexpected leaving?"

"Of course she did," Lucius huffed. "That woman is a bigger mother bear than Molly and I think you'll be very surprised. She actually sent me an update on Harry and Draco in that letter." Lucius smirked behind his cup of tea unwilling to share the details with his old friend.

Severus only raised his eyebrows in response. "I'll have to complete another checkup on Harry when we return and find a way to disguise nutrient potions. I can probably just tell him that they're to speed up the healing of his bruises."

"The boy isn't stupid, Severus. If he's been beaten his whole life, then I think he would be able to predict his own healing time. He might notice if they don't heal any faster."

"Might," Severus agreed. 


"When are they coming back?" Draco asked his mother. 

She smiled and put another sandwich on Harry's plate to which Draco snickered. "They should be back by dinner." The vase still sat on the table but it was pushed to the side since they were eating.

Draco still glared at it every other minute, but he had agreed to it after his mother had scolded him. "What are they doing anyway? The dark lord didn't call them, did he?" Narcissa cringed and Harry tensed as Voldemort was mentioned.

Harry still didn't know how he fit in here. Both, Narcissa and Draco, had confirmed to him that they were spies and planned on severing all ties with the man after he was killed, but Harry wasn't sure they were telling the truth. 

For all he knew, they were keeping him here until Voldemort decided to kill him. Harry looked back up at Narcissa as she spoke. "You know I don't like talking about that man, Draco." Her voice was stern, but she smiled, still the image of peace and happiness. "They said where they were going when they left. They're just visiting Diagon Alley."

Draco huffed and stabbed his fork into a corner of his sandwich, which he had decided to cut into pieces. "You and I both know they went there this Tuesday." Harry frowned and looked at his hands. 

"They had to go pick up a couple more things, Draco. That's all. Your father forgot some potion ingredients Severus needed," Narcissa explained.

"He would never forget anything. He always makes a list."

"Draco, drop it."

"I'm almost of legal age. You don't need to hide the unspeakable things from me anymore, mother. Were they called?" Draco argued as he set his fork down. Harry didn't think he had much of an appetite left either. 

"No, they were not." 

Draco sighed in relief and pulled his plate back to himself. Something in her voice must have told him that Narcissa was telling the truth because Harry couldn't see another way those simple words would banish the fear. "So, what are they doing then?"

Harry nearly slapped him right then. The tension had left the room the moment Narcissa confirmed that they weren't called and Draco just had to call it back like it was a dog that needed to be fed.

He bit his lip and looked at Narcissa, who at the moment was looking at him in concern. "Harry are you alright? You're looking a little pale." Her voice was softer than when she had spoken to Draco.

"I'm fine. Just lost my appetite; that's all." 

She smiled at him before bringing a piece of her sandwich to her lips. She, too, had cut it up into pieces and Harry was beginning to wonder if he had missed a memo. "Make sure to eat at dinner then," she said.

Harry, taking this as a dismissal, picked up his plate and stood up. Narcissa looked at him curiously before smiling and when Harry looked at Draco, the boy looked curious, too. "What is it?"

"Why are you taking your plate?" Draco asked and his mother waved her hand, stopping the conversation. 

"I'm sure he just plans on finishing it later." 

Harry rubbed the back of his neck, "I was actually planning on taking it the kitchen and washing it. Was I not supposed to?" 

Narcissa paled and set her fork down before snapping her fingers. Poppy appeared with a 'pop' and bowed, her ears flopping against her head. "What do you need?"

Harry grimaced and shuffled from one foot to the other as Narcissa motioned for him to put the plate back down. He did. "Harry has finished eating. Can you take his plate back to the kitchen and have it cleaned." Her words were formed into a question but her tone left only one possible answer. Harry wished he had lied and agreed with Narcissa earlier. 

"Of course!" Poppy grinned and took the plate off the corner before disappearing. The 'pop' left Harry flinching this time and he rubbed his arms, trying to get rid of the goosebumps. 

"You don't have to ever clean your plates, Mr.Potter. The elves will take care of that," Draco's mother affirmed. Harry flinched as they returned to a last name basis before nodded and leaving the room. 

He heard the floo activate and assumed that the oldest Malfoy and Snape were back, but he didn't want to see anyone in his current mood. He climbed the stairs and opened the door to his room. Falling onto to the bed, his eyes closed immediately and released him into a blissful sleep with no dreams.

AN~ Who's late? It isn't me...I'm never late. What are you talking about? *laughs nervously* Narcissa has reasons and I might reveal them next chapter...maybe...possibly...Okay I'll stop babbling. Hope you guys liked this ~.~

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