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My alarm went off, and I shot out of bed. It's a habit that when someone or something wakes me up, I get out of bed quickly. Mia jerked awake from my swift movement. She lays on my bed as well, so I would wake her up. I quickly got on my which was a random t-shirt, a sea green hoodie, jeans and of course my amazing Attack on Titan backpack. I mean I always where a hoodie over what I wear which are basically t-shirts because I'm insecure about how I look. I honestly have been insecure about my weight ever since I was younger. My grandmother reassures me that I look fine now, and that I'm beautiful. Of course I thank her, but I still don't believe it. My best solution was to hide myself from the world. I looked at the clock that read 6:00 a.m. I mean I always get up early to get on the internet, so why not. I sat in my chair, and Mia was gazing into my eyes as if she spoke "Please, can i get on your lap?" Her being adorable gets me every single time. There's one thing that I didn't question about the seven guys yesterday. They're from Korea, how the heck do they speak English fluently? Of course I'm billingual too, since I was born in America, and I speak Korean to my family. I'm done with questioning their prescence because it's just going to drive me insane. But having them as friends wouldn't be too bad, if I get to have friends.

When it became 7:35, I rushed out the door to get to the bus stop. The bus stop was right down the street, and the bus gets here at 7:39, but I hate being late. Before I forgot, I grabbed my iPod and headphones.

"Bye, grandma" I said leaving.

"Have a good day a school." she replied.

I quickly walked down the street as I saw the usual people at the bus stop. They mind their own business, so I'm left to listen to my music.

When the bus finally arrived, we got on quickly. I was about to sit in my usual spot, but then I realized that Suga sits there. Maybe being in the front of the bus wouldn't be so bad, since not many people sit there.

I sat in silence listening to some Kpop. Yes, I listen to Kpop, and I realize that not all Korean people love Kpop, but I do. Currently, I was listening to Boyfriend's Crooked, until at the last stop Suga interupted me. He kept annoying me bu poking the back of my head from the seat behind me. What's with this guy? A pain crept to the back of my head. There it is again! The same pain from yesterday. I flinched alittle because of a burning sensation. I grabbed my head, and it soon disappeared. That's weird...


When I got to school, everything was normal. Like talking to V in 1st period. It was actually easy to get to know him although he can be pretty weird sometimes, but I guess that's just his 4D personality. I swear that I saw a blue aura around him. I know that you can't really see an aura around things, but this is just getting me creeped out. Am I losing my mind? I know that no one else can notice it, but it's only on him.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No" I replied unsure of myself of what I saw.

"You don't seem sure." he said.

"No, I'm just tired." I said and focused on the lesson.

Homeroom wasn't any better because when I entered, there was black aura around Jungkook. It looked like a shadow was surrounding him, and there was a maroon aura around Jimin. I can't be losing my mind because I'm only seeing auras for them. Wait are they really auras? How can I be sure that they are really auras?

"Hey, Eunha, are you okay?" asked Jungkook.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

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