Daddy issues

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Dean comes to comfort me but I push him and his braid away he has in his hand for some reason, nothing can make me feel better, nothing.

"Um, Eva, you already made a river here," Sam comments and I open my eyes finding myself in the water that was caused with my crying. I blow my nose into my sheet and immediately wash it in that samw water, she thanks me and I get up on my two feet, they seem very unstabile and I am not sure why. I look down on the floor and realise that I am standing on two big eggs. I kick them away and start to feel like my old, stabile self.

I turn towards Dean and Sam and look both of them at the same time showing them how perfectly my eyes are lazy. They make a disgusted face but I don't care for that at the moment. All I want to know who that Crowley is and where he took my baby and how he dared to touch him at the first place. I can't believe I was that kind of a fool that I gave my little baby son his middle name; Crowley. Damn he, as soon as I get him back, his middle name will be changed.

"First things first, who the hell is he?" I ask with trembling voice, well of course my voice will be trembling, I just cried my soul out and made this apartment into a water park. Dean and Sam look into each other and again, exchange a meaningful look.

"He is literally a King of Hell," Dean answers and pouts his lips. I widen my eyes at him and don't find any other words but just more questions they, hopefully, will answer.

"Do you know where he could possibly take my baby?" I ask and get all red because of the madness I feel rise inside me. Sam makes a face like he knows where but he is not sure if he is correct. I get in his eyesight and start to wave with my hand to make him tell me but he just awkwardly pee's himself. I make a disgusted face and Dean joins me. Sam immediately goes into the bathroom to shower and Dean and me just stand there awkwardly looking at each other as my sheet fills herself with water and goes outside to remove all the water from herself.

When Sam is back, all fresh and good smelling he looks at me again. The same look on his face again and I repeat my previous action.

"He might be in our house," Sam says.
I narrow my beautiful eyebrows at him and he simply nods. I raise my hands in the air very dramatically and look at both of them, these two are already sucking my blood from the straw. I look at Dean and he is literally doing that so I kick him in his pair of balls and run out of that shitty motel apartment. I wait by the car for them and lean on it, ready to wash it with my butt.

I constantly stare at the doors and they don't seem to walk outside, so ai wait some more. It's not as warm as it was before, but it's endurable. My unpatient leg starts to tap on the concrete floor I kissed before as I wait some more. I decide to sit on the bonnet of their car but soon I lay down and stare at the sky above me. Just chilling, counting the stars.

Eventually I fall asleep on the bonnet of this car and it's not the most comfortable place you want to sleep, trust me.

I wake up in the morning, really confused of my surroundings. Garbage man is cleaning the parking lot in front of the motel and he is giving me a strange look. I give him my best face I can manage to do in this early hour and he starts to mind his own business. I jump off the bonnet and I am yet again furious. I come near those same doors and just as I am about to knock the open wide exposing well rested Dean and Sam.

There are no words that can describe my utter disappointement and angryness. Dean looks at me, almost like jokingly just like Sam. I stop Dean on walking any further and slap his smiling face, he falls on the concrete as I now lay my eyes on Sam who starts running away from me and all over the parking lot. I follow him in a step wirh my hand up in the air ready to smack his lying ass.

"Your child is kidnapped by a king of hell and you decided it's for the best to slam with the doors and sleep!" I scream after him. He finally stops and I smash my body against his and, I swear, it feels like I've run into a brick wall. His stiff body makes my own fragile one, bounce away and I manage to land on the concrete again, but this time with my butt.

I slowly get up, it takes me minute or two to come back to my sences and I come near Sam again, this time not running towards him.

"You are one of the stupidest people I have ever met! My poop has a better personality than you! How could you cold heartedly just go to sleep, knowing your child is gone?!" I scream in his face, that is when Dean joins in and starts to defend Sam, but my tongue won't shut up until I say everything I have in mind.

"You shut your cake hole! You are an older brother, more responsible one, remember? Let me ask you, how could YOU sleep peacefully knowing your nephew is gone?" I scream some more, my voice is giving up on me. He makes a puppy look as his lips form an apologetic smile.

"We are sorry, Eva," Dean mutters, not enough.

"You won't get away from this. Oh, no, no. Once I get my baby back, we will walk away. There is no chance I will be staying with the two of you behaving like this," I say and tear slides down my cheek, "Now, open your damned car and take me to Crowley," I demand.

I can see that Dean is passionate on protecting his baby but I don't give a crap. All they ever caused me was pain and sorrow, they never cared one simple bit for my child and me. My exsistence beside them is irrelevant, I am no longer needed and I surely won't stick around to be an excess baggage. I am sick of them, disappointed in them and so much more that I will not write here because I have respect.

We all get inside his shitty car and Dean drives away in attempt to rescue my baby. Sheet wraps herself around me and comforts me, at least I have her and I can trust her.

Eva Triology: {{ As real as it gets }}Where stories live. Discover now