Chapter 1

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Weekend at a campsite? Not exactly what Sonic had in mind, but it sure was nice having everyone together. The air was fresh and clean, there was plenty of running space, and most important of all a nice small lake everyone could take a dive into. This whole thing had been planned by the crew for a few weeks now and surprisingly everyone showed up; even Shadow. How Rouge convinced him to come along is a mystery in and of itself, but as long as he was here, Sonic had someone to poke fun of. Something Knuckles simply wouldn't put up with.

Of course, there were other advantages of having him around. Apparently he could cook pretty well. Nobody but his Rouge was really sure of that, but after hearing her praise his culinary prowess he just smirked and crossed his arms. Sonic could even notice a small shade of pink cover his muzzle. Tails and Cream begged him to make something that night until he agreed to it; which was oddly surprising. Other than that, he was damn good looking, too.

Most of the time when Sonic turned his attention to Shadow, either by silent yearning or curiosity, he was just leaning up against a tree watching the others splash around in the water. It was strangely amusing to see him try and play games with Cream; he'd fumble around awkwardly as if he was trying his very best to keep her company, even if he didn't like children. Knuckles mused that maybe he did in fact have a soft spot for kids, nearly doubling over in laughter as Cream placed small flowers on his head and quills.

Rouge didn't seem to be enjoying herself so much. Sonic snickered to himself after hearing her whining to Knuckles, 'This just is not fitting for a lady!' Of course, he wasn't about to say anything; chances are she'd let him have it. So he just went about his business making wise cracks and telling obnoxious jokes to anyone who would listen. But he spent a great deal of time practicing the skill that had made him so famous.

There really wasn't anything Sonic liked to do more than running, so he'd spend many a moment jogging around the forested area looking for something interesting to bring back. On one occasion, he found a rather large frog which he generously handed to his best buddy. His eyes grew in amazement at the size of it, and he took great enjoyment at poking at it with a stick. When it hopped out of reach Tails chased after it, stumbling over pebbles and such until the pestered creature finally leaped right into the lake and swam away.

Knuckles, to everyone's amazement, spent his time wading around in the lake. He was so heavy looking that no one really expected him to be able to float, much less swim. 'Maybe he'll sink soon?' Shadow added, the same twisted smile on his face. Rouge popped him on the head for that idea, and he retreated back to the campfire in mild aggravation. Sonic sat next to him and boasted as normal, trying to get him to lighten up a little. Shadow just stared at him with annoyance and told him to 'bugger off'. Sonic smiled and added, 'That wouldn't be very much fun, would it? C'mon Shadow!'

'Go away.' He said calmly, reaching over to the fire. He dipped into a large kettle and spooned some of the stew he was making into a small bowl. Sonic peeked over, almost butting heads with Shadow. 'Looks pretty good!' he said with a grin before Shadow pulled the bowl away from him. 'Then get your own!' he said, grumbling as he stood up and walked back over to 'his' tree. Sonic frowned a little to himself. At least he had gotten close to him.


Just as it had already become dark, the whole group gathered around and took part in helping themselves to some of the stew as well. Sonic had waited for everyone to show up before he started to dig in, taking a seat between Tails and Knuckles. He nudged Tails playfully and started chatting with him, quickly bringing the whole campsite to life.

Shadow sat close-by and watched the lot of them talking, his crimson eyes eerily reflecting the blazing fire. In all the loud chatter, Sonic gazed up from his spoon and watched him for a moment. His black body seemed to disappear into the surroundings, save for those glowing eyes and the few patches of fur being illuminated by the fire.

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