Chapter 6

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There are few people in the world that could capture Shadow's amazement as much as Amy Rose. He didn't know if she held any secret abilities from the rest of them; all he knew is that she seemed to be everywhere, lurking around every corner and seemingly impossible to be rid of. For the last few hours he had been trying to have some quiet time with Sonic; but with her around the chance of that happening was nearly impossible.

Sonic didn't really know what to do about her either. She clung to his arm and brushed back his quills lovingly, not with the intention of annoying him, but she did nonetheless. After putting up with so much of her constant fawning, Sonic jumped away and said he had to run off his lunch. Amy frowned a little as he took off into the forest and decided she shouldn't chase after him right away; she didn't want to get lost of anything.

Amy wasn't the only one who saw that he had left, though.


Shadow and Sonic weren't exactly known for wasting time with anything they did. Sonic wasn't even aware that he had been followed, not that it mattered much; he was still enjoying the fact that Shadow had come from no where and was now purring into his neck, telling him what he had experienced earlier that day. It was flattering in its own way; knowing Shadow couldn't behave himself in his absence. The brilliantly colored emerald he had used to Chaos Control his way over to Sonic gleamed in Shadow's hand. As desirable as those gems were throughout his adventures, right now it didn't seem nearly as tempting to take as his ruby-eyed lover. Sonic pushed gently on his chest until his back was up against a tree, smirking devilishly at him.

'You had to go and tell me that, didn't you Shadow?' he purred. So far, Shadow hadn't protested to his actions. In fact, he looked like he rather enjoyed that Sonic had made such a brash move. Shadow placed his arms around Sonic's neck, carelessly dropping the emerald to the floor as they made out with each other right then and there. Both were purring and making a general ruckus of moans and grunts.

The blue hero had him exactly where he wanted him. Pinned up and completely under his spell. He may have gotten him by surprise last time, but now it was his turn. All this talk of Shadow's solo experience had gotten him in the mood, especially since it was coming from his lover's lips so willingly. Sonic wasn't the most practiced when it came to seduction but it came naturally enough once things got heated up. Shadow was enjoying every second of the attention, especially when Sonic's hands wandered around his lower body.

Both purred quietly into each other's mouths as their tongues danced, quietly begging the other for greater relief through body language alone. Shadow pressed his body right up against Sonic's, wondering if maybe he'd take that was an invitation. He did of course, eyes narrowing seductively as he twirled a finger around in the air. 'Turn around, Shadow...' he said in a low whisper, licking the side of his cheek.

Turn around? Shadow liked the idea somehow, and he obeyed immediately by gently resting his hands against the tree bark. He let out a quiet moan and bent his body forward slightly, teasingly bumping his backside into Sonic's groin. The gesture was met with a quick smack to his behind, causing him to blush from being caught off guard. 'S-Sonic!!' he cried out as he peered over his shoulder, looking a little embarrassed.

'Well, you started it...' Sonic purred, 'Now stop being so misbehaved.' Shadow's eyes gazed forward again for a moment before closing his eyes, gently crying out as Sonic began exploring his body again with his hands. He wanted him to get to pounding into him by now, but for whatever the reason the blue hero refused to comply, only focusing his efforts on teasing every part of his body with a taste of what was to come.


Rouge had already taken as much as she could stand of the wilderness. She absolutely hated being in a tent, and she didn't much appreciate having to bathe in lake water. In secrecy to boot; making sure Knuckles wasn't peeking was a big enough chore all its own. She didn't want to just leave, but she also didn't feel like being around Knuckles for another second. His constant whining about the emerald was getting on her nerves. 'Relax for just one minute, would you?' she would tell him, to no effect. He was constantly worried about the damned thing, even when he knew she wasn't planning on taking it.

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