I - Ginny

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Concentrating on managing the new ones was bound to be more than difficult on a day when all I wished to do was roam the gardens. The sweet smelling dahlias and lily of the valleys called to me, but there were two new girls to train and introduce to the rest of the female staff that day. I heaved a deep sigh from the bottom of my lungs and flipped my stockingless legs over the edge of the bed.

"Gin?" A mumble floated from beneath the bed linens. "Where're y'goin'?"

Shit. I had quite nearly forgotten that Franklin had...spent the night, so to say. Franklin was my mistress's son. As one could imagine, having the mistress's son in one's bed, while he was wearing nothing but his underpants, was not exactly proper.

Before I had the time to answer, a quick ring-ring jumped from the telephone on the right side of the bed. Franklin and I both jolted to quick attention. There came the clinking of heels from outside the door and Franklin was under the metal-framed bed in a record five seconds. Fortunately for me I would not have any awkward questions to answer because I was wearing more than my undergarments, much unlike Franklin.

"Virginia?" Mrs. Seiferling knocked once on the white painted bedroom door and entered immediately afterwards. "Why, you're not even dressed! You do recall that we have two new staff members, do you not?"

"That I do, ma'am, please pardon my absence. I was extremely...tired," I could quite nearly see Franklin grinning to himself under my bed. I felt my cheeks redden with a sudden flush heat.

"Are you ill? You're quite flushed..." Mrs. Seiferling commented.

"No," I replied, a little too quickly, as I was given the "hairy eyeball".

"If you say so," the mistress furrowed her brow. "Do make yourself presentable, though, please, so that the new ladies have something to use as an example of the proper attire of the domestic help."

"Yes, ma'am, of course." I nodded, folding my hands in front of me. Mrs. Seiferling left then, closing the door quickly yet quietly on her way out.

Less than thirty seconds later, Franklin had reached his long, tanned arms from behind me and grabbed me about the waist. I gasped a bit as he yanked me, not too roughly, down on the bed. His lean body pressed against mine slightly and made everywhere his skin touched mine light up with a buzzing electricity. "That was close," he muttered in my ear. I felt my the small hairs on my arms rise up at the slightly gravelly tone of his voice.

"A little too close if you ask me," I let out a small chuckle.

"How long will it take you to become presentable?" Franklin's fingers trailed lightly down my lower back then along my thigh and I shivered at his touch. The trails his fingertips had left behind on my body tingled. I moved closer to him so that his scent filled up my being. It was spiced and clean and slightly exciting. His stubbled face had turned and was only three inches or so away from mine, causing my heart to nearly beat its way out of my chest.

"Oh, probably five minutes or so," I bit my bottom lip in anticipation as his face slowly pressed closer to mine.

Franklin was now so close to me I could see the tiny craters in his lively green irises and the few askew brow hairs in his eyebrows. Suddenly, his lips were pushed tightly against mine. My mouth melted into his and his body was then on mine, pressed there by gravity and whatever other forces worked so magically whenever we were together in the same room. His fingers were caught up in my wavy black hair and mine were knotted in his sandy brown locks. A few more seconds of this and we broke apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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