Chapter 9

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Night had fallen nearly an hour ago and your group was still walking. You stifled a groan. You hadn't walked so much for a long time and you were getting tired, but you weren't about to let the others know. You didn't want Itachi thinking you'd become soft in your time working at the shop. You let out a heavy sigh.

Kisame glanced over his shoulder at you and chuckled, "We'll be there soon, just a little more. So don't look so-" Itachi stopped and made Kisame shut up. You were about to ask why Itachi had shut him up, but the fine hairs on your neck stood on end. You realized what Itachi must've noticed. Somehow your group had become surrounded. You subtly pulled out you chopstick swords. Kisame glanced between Itachi and you. You realized that he clearly wasn't a sensory type shinobi, most likely more of a shock and awe type. Kisame saw your weapons and realization dawned on him. He lifted his sword from his shoulders and waved you over. You darted over to them and the three of you took up positions with your backs together. A woman stepped from the darkness, "Goodness, you have good senses." Your eyes examined her. She wore no village insignia. She reached into her bag and pulled out a bingo book. She flipped through it, "Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, and Y/n L/n. Three big hitters, and all three worth lots of cash. We couldn't believe our luck when we saw you all at that rest stop." You narrowed your eyes as more people came into view. Bounty hunters.

You tried to sense their chakra levels, but either they were so weak as to be laughable, or they had shinobi training on how to hide it. If it was the second option, then this wasn't going to be fun or easy. You swallowed nervously and raised your blade at the woman that had spoken, "You don't want to get into it with us lady. If your bingo book is accurate then you know that your numbers are seriously lacking to take down opponents of our caliber." The woman laughed, "We'll have to see about that won't we? Take them!" The bounty hunters launched themselves at your group. Kisame charged forward and began swinging his sword in wide arks and laughing. He was actually enjoying this?! The people near you did handsigns and ropes shot up from the ground. You leapt into the air and deftly slashed through the ropes. Kisame slashed through the ropes too, but Itachi stood in one spot and the ropes wrapped around him securely. When you landed you moved to go to Itachi and cut him free but Kisame's voice stopped you, "Y/n, come here!" He grabbed you and pressed your face into his chest. "Kisame, what are you doing?! We need to help Itachi!" Kisame shook his head and pressed your face more into his chest. "Itachi is in control right now. He's pulled all of us into a genjutsu." You tried to push back, but Kisame's voice cut into your ears, "Trust me, you don't want to see what this genjutsu is going to do next, so just stay here and shut your eyes."

You tensed and the fear that you heard in Kisame's voice and did as he said. A few seconds later you felt Kisame jolt and gasp as if in pain. You felt pain ripple through your body too, but you couldn't focus on that as you heard screams filling the air. The screams were horrible. You shifted your hands to cover your ears, but that didn't block the sound out. But within moments there was silence again and Kisame relaxed his hold on you. He pulled your hand from your ear and muttered, "You can open your eyes again." Your eyes slid open and you looked around. The bounty hunters were all laying on the ground, and you hoped that they were only unconscious. Kisame straightened up and took a deep breath, "Itachi, I keep telling you not to suck your comrades into your genjutsu. Just because we CAN handle them, doesn't mean you should make us go through it." Itachi didn't turn to face the two of you, "You should just learn how to free yourself from – urgh!" Itachi lurched forward and coughed violently. You could see blood splatter onto the ground in front of him and you rushed to him. "Itachi! Did you get injured? Let me see!" You reached for him, but he slapped your hands away. Itachi continued to cough up blood and Kisame sighed, "You shouldn't push yourself like that when you haven't taken you medication." Itachi shot him a glare before another coughing fit made him double over. Kisame came forward and grabbed Itachi and forcefully picked him up princess style. (Sorry I just love the mental image of an angry Itachi being carried princess style while shooting glares at whoever carries him)

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