Chapter One - the eggening

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(This is a book I wrote with my friend Alyssa. Our other friend saw an egg on the ground. We laugh at egg all day. I write 1 paragraph, she write second and so on)

I awoke in a sweat in the night. Something was wrong, oh so wrong. I swing my legs out of bed and tippit toe down the hall and into the kitchen. There I saw him, GREG THE EGG! Eating the egg from the refrigerator! He tured to face me, his stupid face glaring. I GASPED! he storded at my egg face, I WAS EGG! He wibbily wobbled over to me and I RAN

Runny tummy down the halls to hide in my bed room. Fast like a light greg the egg chased me. I will soon be consumed by his egg hungry form. I finally reached my room and locked the door behind me. Was I safe? No. I heard pounding. Huge chunks of wood fell from my door. It was over. No I could escape. Window.

Ah yes! The winder! I ran head first in the widow, breaking the glass and yeeting myself into the street below. I heard the sound of my door disintegrating, and I looked up and Greg the egg was looking down at my egg face. I screamed in egg and ran down the street, greg the egg plopping down on the street with his eggy form.

I heard the sounds of satanic ritualistic egg chants. I'm not done yet I thought to myself. Sprinting I became to lose to exhaustion. I haven't exercised in years. I am egg. And that my friend is why greg the egg wants me. I was a goner. No. I mustn't let Greg the egg get the satisfaction of catching me. I reach the train tracks.

BEEPY BOOP COME THE TRAIN I SCREAM I dive off the tracks and the trains like what the fuck bitch and I wait and then make the dive into an open car. I land in hay and I am safe from Greg the egg... or so I thought. The train begins to rumble and shake, THE EGG MAN IS ON THE TRON.

How could this be? I thought I got a gay. I suppose not. I swimpity swamp through the hay to fund the hidden needle. No! Focus. I shan't be caught up in finding needles in hay stacks now. Besides that's only on wednesdays. Today is the day of the egg. I hear the chants of egg closing in on me. I finish swimmy swishing through the hay and climb up to the next train cart. Thomas the triangle is that you?

No, it is I, the dorito God Bill Cipher! I GASP. IT CANNOT BE! HIW COULD THIS BE OH DEAR LORD BILL PLEASE BANISH THE EGG DEMON i pleaded. Lmao no bill said and I screeched. HE WAS A DEMON BROUHHT ON BY BILL HIMZELF. OH NOES.

What now I thought to myself. I will never reach the hay stack needle Wednesday now. I make a break for it and yeet myself off the train. I must find Father danjel. He will show me the way. He could help me get rid of GREG THE EGG. As I jump I break my elbow. Oof.

I call upon the gods and Angels of Father danjel to fix my elbow and my prayers were answered, but alas they could not banish greg the egg. I run with all my might, I will love Lucky to make it to toco Tuesday, let alone haystack needle Wednesday!!! OH FATHER DANJEL, WHERE ARETH THOU?! I CALL TO THE SKY

I race to father danjels house to find him. I pound on the doors to let me in. They were locked. Looks like I'll have to find another way in. I began to climb the wall babies. Climpity climb like spider I jolt up the wall babies. I am now on the roof. I look around to see Greg the egg sprinting full force my direction. Theres only one way to get inside now I thought. THROUGH THE CHIMNEY. HO HO HOE

I jump down the chimney but my fatass egg mass could not fit. I began to weep, but the liquid of my sweet, tender, delicious tears allowed me to slip down with ease. I WAS FREE! I heard the door begin to pound, I must hurry and find Father danjel as fast as I can!

I run through the halls to his bed room. I hear the moans of fathwr Danjel. He was pleasuring himself. I broke the door down to see his hands groped around himself. What a sexy man. But not is not the time to unleash my gsy demons!

ALYSSA FUCK YOU^^^ Suddenly greg the egg bursts through the door looking hungry for eggs, but this time he thirsts for a different kind of egg if you're picking up what I'm putting down. There was nothing but hunger the lusty thirst in his eggy eyes. His long arms drifted to Father danjel and they began doing the fuckening. I was DISTURBED. Father danjel the church will heard about this I yell. They both stopped and turned.

Greg the egg has turned Father danjel gay. The demons have possessed Father danjel. He is a goner. Now with him gone, how will I get rid of Greg the egg? I could find the holy water. But the only way to get holy water is through father danjels asshole. As like greg the egg is from satans asshole.

May I join you you lovely gentlemen in the act of a sexy tiresome in order to obtain the holiest of water? I asked, but the egg man just hissed at me, and maintained steady eye contact while he aggressively jumped the possessed brain dead father danjel.

I must sacrifice myself to save Father danjel. No get lord, take me instead! I yelled to Greg the egg. He stopped aggressively fucking Father danjel and grabbed me. I get forced on the bed and tied to the sheets. He must like bondage. I want ready to go like this. I wanted a family. No a sex party.

I was impregnated by Greg the egg and that is when I realized that he was one of the first floor demons. HE HAD TWELVE BULBOUS PENISES! I then gave birth in an instant, to ze alien babies

There it was. The HOLY WATER. In the palm of my hand. I was ready to banish Greg the egg once in for all. GO BACK TO SATANS ASS FROM WENCE YOU CAME BITCH!!! I sprinkled the holy water on Greg the eggs body still fucking father danjel. Greg the egg was gone. But father danjel was still gay. Stay tune next time for chapter 2 Gay Away

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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