I'll never forget you...

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(Foxy's POV)
God... why does this have to happen... Whenever something good happens to me, it's always ruined...
Why must it happen this time?
I am in line with my other three animatronic friends and we are going to be scrapped. We are all scared...
Well, if we're going to do it, we might as well do it fast. I was first, but before I could go in, I was interrupted by a familiar cooing voice.
"Foxy, wait-"
"Yes Vix- er, Mangle?"
She took a deep breath and then sighed.
"Foxy... I love you, and you know that. I know you are scared, you don't want this to happen- and neither do I. But the last thing I want you to remember before you get scrapped is...
I'll never forget you."
I froze, tears starting to stream down my eyes. I hugged her for what felt like (and I hoped it was) hours.
"Goodbye, foxy." She said as I wiped tears from her beautiful face. It would be the last time I saw it before I entered the parts and service room.

Or so I thought.

Our Love [continued in another book!]Where stories live. Discover now