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Braşov, Romania
November 1565

Constantin Vasile leaned against the window frame and with a solemn expression, watched the dark clouds that moved to disguise the sky and foreshadow an oncoming storm.

Just a few words was all it took, and his men were taking over the Biserica Neagră - no questions asked. Their faith was no match for the fear that he ignited in them, and he made sure that they knew what the consequences of displeasing him were.

That being said, Constantin could be a patient man. So long as they did what he asked, he could wait. And wait he did. Over 6 years had passed and he still waited, he still craved and still attempted to steal Lucian Gherea's wealth and all that it was worth.

Ironically, although Gherea was neither a religious man nor did he believe in any faith, he still chose to keep his riches hidden away within monks, priests and other 'righteous ones', who no matter how much Constantin pushed, would not give up their exact location.

Whether they submitted willingly or not was their choice, but they would submit to him at some point. That was inevitable.

His head snapped up when the sound of footsteps reached his ears, and he watched as Matei slowly made his way towards him. Matei was one of the few men that he trusted with his secrets - secrets regarding his plans that is, as Constantin knew better than to reveal any part of himself to anyone. After all, why willingly make yourself vulnerable to betrayal?

Matei strode up to Constantin and inclined his head in a nod.

''Sir,'' he acknowledged.

''Matei,'' Constantin responded, his voice thick with authority. ''Well? Have you found anything?''

Matei shook his head.

''Nothing. They must have known we were coming. They packed everything and left, although it must not have been long ago. A week at the most,'' he reported.

Constantin clenched his jaw and fought the urge to blow the entire church into pieces. Being able to capture the priests was supposed to bring him closer to his goal, and not pull him back to the starting point.

Matei might not have showed it, but on the inside he was quavering with fear. Constantin Vasile was a frightening man and Matei got to witness his wrath more often than not. He pitied those whom his anger was aimed at, and had hoped to never find himself in that situation.

Constantin rubbed the side of his face and turned away from Matei. There was only one other solution. It would be difficult to achieve but it was his last hope; his last resort.

''Iantonescu. I need you to find Iantonescu and bring him to me. By force if you must.''

''Andrei Iantonescu?'' Matei questioned, puzzled at his request. What could Constantin Vasile possibly want with a child who was of no relation to Lucian Gherea?

''Yes Andrei Iantonescu,'' Constantin snapped. ''Him and the others. Vitaly Silivasi and Irina Ungureanu. Tugurlan, Pescariu and Nicolae too."

''May I ask for what reason, sir?'' he enquired cautiously.

''You may not,'' Constantin snapped and began to walk towards the exit of the church. Nobody, absolutely nobody would stand in his way. No matter how many lives had to be sacrificed, no matter how much blood had to be spilled; he would get what he wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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