Chapter Four

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I was pushed into a small lab and forced to sit on a chair. This was the last part of my chosen ceremony before I go out and say my speech. The ladies said farewell to me and told me that they will see me soon. I just wanted to die. A man in a white coat grabbed me and laid me down.

“The crowds waiting for you” he muttered as he grabbed my arm and dabbed it with alcohol.

“I don’t want to go out there” I replied as he grabbed a large device and dipped it in some black paint.

“That’s what the last one said.” he spoke positioning the device on my arm. He pressed a button and it began to dig in my arm at first it was a pinch but it turned into a horrible pain. I screamed he shouted something that I couldn’t catch so I continued screaming. The man refueld it and began till marks and signs were tattooed on my arm. My arm felt so numb the man moved to the other and began. My body seemed to be immune to the pain now so I stared out into space.  He finished that hands and opened my eyes as he dropped something in my eyes. A flame began to trap in my eye the man held me down and held my eye open as i felt the pain fall to the rims of my eyes. I was being transformed I struggled as the pain continued and he did the same to my other eye. I couldn’t see anything then when the pain stopped my vision came back except I had clearer vision and could look further at things.                     

“There you go honey” he said as he helped me up “You shouldn’t feel pain now but you will tonight. I will send someone up to give you some medicine.” I nodded.

“Thank you” the man bowed his head before i was pulled away. Beatrice was in my face in five seconds.

“Ok darling now before you set your foot out of this place you need to follow our directions” she said. “Use these cards and only read them” she handed me the cards looking a bit afraid. I took the and tried to smile. “I advise you on only read them… for your sake” she added before smiling again. “You look wonderful Mercury” I take her gracious hand and curtsy. “Good luck she called from behind me as i am escorted out of the mansion. I was getting a bit annoyed with all the escorting around all i wanted to do was just go home rip all this stuff off and curl up in my bed. A crowd of cheering people cried when I appeared. They thought I was stunning.

“Please welcome your chosen one, Mercury Salazar” shouted a man from up top.

“Speak now” the man next to me whispered in my ear. He pushed me forward as people’s gazes were all fixed on me. It made my stomach all gushy.

“Hello” I spoke reading from the crowd i looked back at the man that whispered in my ear. He gave a glare so i turn I examined the crowds looking for Juno till i found her in the back she was crying. She was alone. I suddenly found myself running in the crowd and holding my dress. I knew I could get punished but I couldn’t stop. Juno looked up at me with surprise.

“Mercury you look stunning!”

“Thanks” I replied. SHe was sitting on a stone bench and her head was down. I stooped down to her level. “What’s wrong…”

“My mother…” she trailed off. I could tell what happened I glanced over her body and found a gash on her shoulder. I touched it and she winced.

“What did she do to you..”

“It was you…” she winced, tears coming down her eyes. “she got mad at me hanging out with you” she cried.

“I am so sorry” she shook her head and looked up.

“Mercury. Please don’t worry about me.” she pointed to the crowd of people who have appeared to be listening to our conversation. “You have responsibilities now. Use them” She stood up and hugged me. I saw that smile she once had. But it had no happiness to it like it always does. SOmething i didn’t know was going on. Juno disappeared in the mist and i found my way back up the stand. I gave off a sly smile and continued on the card.

“Welcome to my chosen ceremony. I am so honored to be here today as well as being honored to speak with you” the crowd cheered at my entrance as i began to speak.

“Now you all might think that being chosen is the most horrible thing but it also has it’s beauty.” I said as I began to list. I shifted my weight as the speech ended and many hands came up to ask. I turned to the man as he gave off a hand signaling the number five. I picked a young woman in a green coat.

“Mercury. Now that you have been chosen.. will you ever see your parents” I smiled but inside i hurt. I had no one to hold and cry and to have this ceremony but either way i couldn’t have both.

“I don’t have any parents. They died fighting for me to not be chosen” I muttered as gasps of shock echoed through the crowd. I picked another. It was a large plump man who looked much like the baker.

“WHen you were marked how did it feel?”

“Um… painful” I was a bit annoyed now who’d ask these stupid questions. I started pacing up and down the stage and answering questions. I felt anxiety come over me. The man from behind could see that as i lost my balance and make discouraging faces.   

“Miss Salazar must be going now” the mans voice echoed through the crowd.

“Bye now” I called from behind before I am dragged out of the courtyard and into a room.

“Beatrice and the others will be here to get you out of your dress” He quickly walked me up steps and into a small room. the man left and slammed the door. They were upset. I threw myself on the red velvet bed that lay in front of me. The room was colored a dark red and black as the ceiling. Next to the bed was a small window. I tried to unhinge the window but it doesn’t move.

“Mercury. what are you doing?” I turned to see beatrice with two bags.

“Oh I was just trying to open the window” I replied leaning on the wall.

“Trying to leave” she said humorously and set the bags on the bed.

“Why is that funny” I said shortly.

“Because you can’t leave darling. No one does” she seemed to just laugh it off as she helped me out the dress and into another except this one went to my legs and hung loosely and was also black. She fixed my bra and tightened it while I put on my red shoes and walked over to the mirror. I knew what I looked, like except I had to see my eyes.  I thought they were normal till I moved my face and i saw a black rim on each eue on my eye.

“It’s the night's shade” said Beatrice as she looked at herself."It reveals your power" she added folding the black dress. “You look stunning everyone will love you tonight.”

“Wait” I gasp “tonight?”

“Oh honey you don’t go on the trip till you are trained” I gasp and balanced myself.

“What do you mean?”

“You aren’t leaving till you are ready”

“But i thought after the speech you leave”

“That’s what we want the townspeople to know” she added before heading to the door. She peeped her head in and smiled.

“Greyson will be escorting you” my heart sank as i paced up and down the room till i heard a knock.

“Come in” I announced as Greyson’s body slipped into the room.

“Everyone is waiting” he said holding his hand towards me. I took it and smiled. He tried not to smile but he couldn’t hide anything from me.

“Ok” I said as he led me down the hall. I took the time to ask questions. “what is this place?”

“The governor’s mansion” replied Greyson.

“Why am i here really. because it seems that everything i thought i knew was gone…”

“Yup. that’s what happens. what happens now will be held against you. Make this count” he spoke tightening on my arm, the tattoos began to pain.

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