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Angela was always a rather organized person. There was a place for this and a place for that, and as long as it had a place, then that's where it should go according to her. Her friends couldn't help but always marvel at how organized her apartment was whenever they entered the room. She really did a place for just about everything imaginable in her small apartment, and it certainly always showed.

Yet, the always anticipated and greatly cherished letters from Fareeha had no set place in her room and were instead kept in small groups at the most random of places.

The oldest ones resided peacefully on the top shelf of her bookshelf in a neat pile. Each one was worn, and the unlucky ones written in pencil had begun to fade. Each had its own unique tears that would be on the sides or corners from the paper. At the beginning of them sending letters to each other, Angela would get so excited and overjoyed that she would rip open the letter with such great anticipation and read it within a matter of a few minutes.

While Angela was working her way through medical school, the Egyptian was currently beginning her military training. These letters in particular held the most lovely of details of Fareeha's beginning months in the military, both of her training and after being stationed for the first time. The letters shared of all the things Fareeha had experienced, the things she had done, the things she had seen, andthe people she had met. Angela could simply feel the enthusiasm and eagerness radiating from each and every word, and even she found herself smiling at the end of each and every letter. There were many nights she could recall where she would fall asleep after reading the most recent of those letters one last time and tracing a finger over a few of the handwritten words.

Angela was always sure to write back as soon as possible, even though she was sure it wasn't as interesting as what the Egyptian was doing. Trying to make her current school life sound interesting was always a hard task, but the Swiss always tried her best. She talked of her classes along with their basic idea, her friends she had made and previous ones, any funny situation that had happened, and how Fareeha's mother was doing. Angela always finished each letter with the same exact three sentences, even if she had to scrunch the words on there:

I am so proud of you, really I am. I miss you so much. Don't forget that I love you too.

There was a second stack of letters resting on her nightstand with a pair of reading glasses on top of them to keep them from falling. These letters had seen much better days, especially as you got to the most recent ones. Many were crumbled as if someone had tried to wad them up, but that was definitely not the case. They instead had been accidentally slept top of and rolled over numerous times that it had become to take a toll on the paper. They had plenty of tears from this too. A few of the ones with ink had been smeared from accidental drooling as she had slept, but they were thankfully still legible to the Swiss.

The good majority of these letters were like the ones before, only this time they were about the places the Egyptian had been stationed in along with there sometimes being a small momento inside the letter. Angela still enjoyed these quite well, and she was always as giddy as ever upon receiving one. The Swiss would reply as she usually would, though she mentioned about possibly getting a dog since the apartment was too quiet and lonesome without Fareeha there. Like usual, she finished each letter with the ending with only minor changes:

I am still so proud of you like I always have been. I miss you so much too; I can't believe it's been a year now. I love you so much, you know that?

Though, there was one letter that was different from all the rest that laid in this pile. It was the second most recent out of all of them, and it was probably the longest out of all the letters she had ever received. Angela and Fareeha had been highschool sweethearts and the only person the other had ever dated before. While it had taken a while for the Egyptian to steal the other's heart, neither ever regretted any moment of it. Their promise of making their relationship despite being so far from each other still stood even after a year and showed no sign of breaking. Their fifth year anniversary had just passed when Angela received the letter, and Angela would say it was the beautiful thing she has ever read in her entire life. It was a incredibly sweet love letter from the other, highlighting everything their relationship had been through and their most fondest memories. When the Swiss read the final four sentences, it was finally when she began to cry, simply out of pure joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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