so we were on the bus and we are holding hands and i feel happy really really really happy this day had a bad start but it finished on a good note i was really grateful for today so we get on the bus like normal and sit together talk and he grabed my hand and looked at the writeing it said teamo (i love you in spanish) mardonio he laught about it and we kept talking and when it kame to his bus stop we hugged tightly and then he kissed me and it was another blank moment in my mind a wonderful blank moment the next day he came to school dressed nicely because at my school when your in 8th grade going to high school they have a type of graduation he looked cute (: and we walked around normaly like we do and we got to his class we hugged and I got another kiss good bye but sad ly he did not get on the buss which made me sad and soon the last day came and he was not at school that made me extra sad but I got to text him during the last day of school and he was sorry and hoped i was not sad and this is the kind of goodbye i wanted sooo yeah and through out the summer we would text every day un till he lost his phone and then we could no longer talk and the next school year came and i made grate efforts to see him but it would never work out and one day i walked to his bus stop and pople keept tlling me he should be comeing to see me but whn i saw him i waved hi and gave him a hug but it did not feel like it did last year felt like i was hugging a stranger a zombie but befor i could say anything his bus came he had to leave and i felt like crying because i felt like he did not love m any more it made my day feel like crap and then i tred writeing notes and he would never replie and when he did it was a brake up note and i cryed soon after reading it and that was the end of my first love and im still not over him
thanks for reading and please give me feed back and sttuf like that