part 26

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So lets get into the story.

Arnav proposes khushi.
Arnav: do u love me?
Khushi:I don’t know.
Arnav was hurted a little and turns backside.
Khushi: arnav I didn’t expect this much from u.
Arnav: what r u saying?
Khushi: I mean that I didnt think this much from u. I just had friendship with u not more than that and already I am in love with a boy.
Arnav turns.
Arnav: what? Who?

Khushi: our college.
Arnav: bwhich batch?
Khushi: our batch and I am so sorry for u arnav.
Arnav: then why u said I don’t know.
Khushi: I don’t wnt to hurt u so. I will make u meet tomorrow. Come to my house.
Arnav thinking I should surely see him. Is he handsome than me ? why she accepted him than me? Is he so smart? These many questions were in arnavs mind.
Khushi: come on lets leave.
As they went back to home they didn’t utter a word.
Arnav was very upset.
Khushi enjoyed his upsetness.
She was laughing without his knowledge.
They reached home.
Raman also came at the same time.
Raman: khushi come na iwant to say u a thing.
Khushi: raman say the news with shagun. bye arnav

Arnav leaves.
Khushi and raman goes in.
Shagun: welcome yaar. Mom and dad went to tour so raman I asked neelu( raman’s servant) to bring ur dresses . so u r going to stay here.
Raman: ok yaar. One happy news. Ishu accepted my proposal.
Khushi: what.
Raman: yes yaar. I am too happy.
Shagun: congrat raman. Treat.
Raman: ok we will order something and eat.
Khushi: oi want to say u one thing.
Shagun: don’t say like raman that u r in love.
Khushi: hey . arnav proposed me.
Raman: what?

Shagun: what u said.
Khushi: I told him that I am in love wirh someone in our batch whom I will introduce tomorrow to hi at this house.
Shagun: really, u r in love with that guy?
Khushi: yes. tomorrow I will introduce u. but first arnav oly.
Raman: this is not fair khushi.
Khushi: all is fair in love and friendship. Ok I am going to sleep.bye good night raman and shagun.
She goes inside.
Shagun: she has not changed still now.let us see who is that lucky guy to marry our princess.
Raman: not princess devil.

The next day.
Arnav comes to khushi house.

He rings the bell.
Khushi opens the door.
Khushi: arnav come in, sit in the sofa.
Arnav sits in the sofa.
Arnav thinking who is that man.
Khushi: he is inside bed room . come inside.
Khushi takes him inside her room.
Arnav couldn’t find anyone there.
Khushi makes him stand before a mirror.
Khushi: he Is my lover.
She points towards arnav who is in the mirror.
Arnav laughs.
Arnav: khushi…
Khushi hugs him from behind.
Khushi: I love u arnav.
Arnav: u said u have a lover.
Khushi: my lover is in front of u right.
Arnav laughs.

Arnav: why this game.
Khushi: u tortured me in the beginning of college right . punishment for that.
Arnav: really do u love me?
Khushi: u r my life. U know I felt like holding ur hands through out the life.i want to be with u. share my life with u. I loved u from that day when u asked me sorry.
Arnav: me too the same. Khushi…….
Khushi: what?
Arnav: nothing.
Khushi: come we will go out.
Arnav and khushi go out.
Raman and shagun was waiting.
Khushi: so raman and shagun see arnav is my lover.
Raman: wow , u both are loving each other. Khushi u r really going to get beatings from. Come on shagun.
Shagun and raman chases her.
Khushi was running.
Raman catches her.
Khushi: sorry sorry.
Raman twists her hand.
Raman: how dare u play a game.
Khushi: raman paining yaar. Please yaar.
Shagun too beated khushi.
Khushi: stop it. Stop it.
Shagun: then. What r u going to do khushi?
Khushi: no plans. Raman call ishita also.
Raman calls ishita.
Ishita comes.

Ishita: hi shagun , khushi. Who is this.
Ramana: my cousin and lover of khushi.
Ishita: wow really khushi. U didn’t say a word to me.
Khushi: sorry ishu.
Ishita: its ok. what is the plan today.
Raman: outing .
Ishita: it is already late yaar raman. We will go tomorrow.
Khushi: ok. good idea. Now what can we do.
Shagun: play game.
Khushi: badminton.
Raman: khushi wow yaar.
Ishita: even I will play.
Arnav: me too.
Shagun: I will be the judge. Cause I don’t know badmition. Ok.
So lets go to terrors.
They all go to terrors.
Arnav and khushi a team.
Raman and ishu a team.
Raman and ishu wins the match.
Raman and ishu did hifi and hugged each other.
Khushi: wow raman.

Raman: no one can defeat raman bhalla in games.
Shagun: stop that yaar.
Khushi: so meet u guys tomorrow.
Arnav: where r we going.
Khushi: will decide tomorrow while going bye.
Arnav and ishu leaves.

Next day.
Raman ishu, arnav khushi went on a one day trip. Shagun was busy with her mbbs so she was reading at home.
Khushi and arnav went to eco point.
Khushi shouts” I am the most happiest person in the world” she holds arnav’s hand and said” I love u laadd governor”
Arnav:” I love u bhagal”
Arnav: khush come we will sit and talk.
Khushi and arnav sit on the floor.
Arnav: khushi I bought u a saree. Hope u will like it.
Arnav gives her saree.
Khushi: wow its so nice. But u don’t need to this with formality. I love u more than anything present in this world. And I will surely wear this saree in ur most important day of ur life.
Arnav: what day is it?
Khushi: wait and watch.
Arnav:we met 2years ago. Now our third year of college will start. Waiting for the 2 nd year results.
Khushi: I will not forgive u if u compete me with my studies.
Arnav: khushi , I am not like tha person. I changed after u entered my life.
Khushi: I know that arnav.

She lies her head on his shoulders.
Khushi: stay with me like this forever promise?
Arnav: promise but not now.
Khushi: why?
Arnav: because it is drizzling idiot. Come we will go inside the car.
Khushi: no. we will enjoy the rain. Do u like rain or not.
Arnav: yes.
Khushi: then enjoy.
It starts raining heavily.
Khushi enjoys the rain.
Arnav to enjoys with her.
They both enjoy and dance for a song.
They both were lost in each others eyes.
Janam janam plays……….
Nee partha vizhigal plays………..

Ishita and raman went to waterfalls.
Ishita: raman how do u know that I like waterfalls very much. u r really great. Wow. Verysuperb. Extradionary. She holds his hands.
They both enjoy in the waterfalls.
Raman and ishita comes to the hill top.
Raman: ishita this necklace is for u.
Ishita: so cute raman. I love u so much.
Raman gives ishita.
Ishita: raman u r very unromantic yaar.
Raman: why.
Ishita: make me wear it na. u r really a tubelight.
Raman: so sorry yaar.
He makes her wear the necklace.
Anbe en anbe u vizhi parka plays…….
Samjawan plays………..


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