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Naomi and Xavier are separated after “zombie apocalypse” outbreaks throughout the country and supposedly the whole world. They were first in an abandoned Walmart looking for food and supplies, when 'dead ones' started coming for them, Naomi bolted up quickly and hit her head on a big shelf of canned foods and was knocked unconscious. Xavier starts panicking trying to wake her when a can of food falls and hits his head knocking him unconscious as well. Luckily the group of dead ones did not manage to attack the couple; they were rescued by two different groups of survivors. Naomi wakes up in a infirmary-like room with a thriving bump on her head and total strangers surrounding her. Naomi freaks out and smashes a window with a machine gun and almost makes it out of the window when the leader of the group pulls her back in and gives her a shot that knocked her back out. -------Meanwhile, Xavier is at a camp-like barricaded area and wakes up on a cot in a tent with a Sargent sitting down loading weapons. Xavier's stomach is wrapped in bandages and has a Band-Aid on his head where the can hit him. He stands up confused and angry that his group did not take Naomi with them. The Sargent yells back rudely and tells him to accept the fact that he will never see Naomi again. Just as Xavier was about to leave, a little girl asks if he will sit by the fire to listen to stories, he accepts and shares his story of how he fell in love with Naomi. Xavier promises himself that he will stay one more night, and will leave first thing in the morning. -----------Naomi wakes up in an old restraint with her new group. She calmly has a private conversation with the leader, Cameron. She asks where she is, why they only saved her and not both of them and she tells him that she cannot stay with his groups much longer. Cameron try's to reason with her and tells her that Xavier is dead and that is why he didn't take both of them. It hurts Naomi badly and she has come to believe that her boyfriend is dead. Naomi notices arguing in the back room, she overhears to guys shouting about whose fault it was that killed Cameron's brother. Naomi cuts in after she saw one of them hit the other in the face with a gun. They start fighting and accidentally hit Naomi. Too busy fighting, the two guys don't realize they hurt her and one loads his gun and points it at both Naomi and the other guy. Naomi pulls out a knife and a gun that Cameron had given to her. Naomi tells the man to put his weapons away and threatens that if he doesn't she will pull the trigger. The men settle the fight and put their weapons away. When a member of the group accidentally breaks the cash register the restaurant alarms go off which cause attention from the dead ones forcing the group to leave because of being overrun by dead ones. ----------Xavier makes a plan to escape when everyone is asleep and steals any supplies that he knows he will need. While attempting, the little girl stops him asking why he's leaving, he tells her that he's not supposed to be here and needs to find Naomi. The little girl begs to go with him but he can't bare to have a child with him, after Xavier cuts the fence and gets through, the little girl follows behind without Xavier noticing, she follows him down the long road that the camp was located on until a dead one comes out from behind her and bites her on the shoulder. Xavier notices and turns to help her by stabbing the dead one in the head. At this point Xavier doesn't know what to do and puts the little girl out of her misery because she tells him to. He pays his respects and puts a pile of tiny flowers in her hair like a crown and crosses her arms across her stomach. After walking for quite a while, Xavier becomes exhausted and stumbled upon and abandoned train, he’s hesitant to check it but eventually decides to get on and look around. He finds nothing, no dead ones, no food, weapons or water. So he decides to shut the door of one of the carts and sleep there for the night. --------Meanwhile Naomi and her group have been driving in one truck for hours and hours in which makes Naomi nervous as to where they are going. The group stops to an old house to search for a place to stay. Naomi is teamed up with a little boy about 10 years old and is ordered to search the bedrooms. The little boy is hesitant to talk to Naomi but she makes small talk by asking about his family and his hobbies. The little boy doesn't say anything because he lost his family. When Naomi tells everyone that the house is safe, she claims the bedroom that supposedly belonged to an 8-year old boy. The little boy set up a blanket on pillow on the floor next to Naomi's bed. She asks if he want to trade places with her but he had already fallen asleep. Before Naomi fell asleep she found an old notebook and wrote a letter 'to Xavier' even though she knew he'd never seen them. She wrote down where she was, how she was doing and how much she loves and misses him, she waddles up the letter and holds it close to her heart and falls asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2014 ⏰

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