Chapter 16

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My speech is pretty much perfect so I've been talking to other people besides Monty now and when I talked to Bryce his expression was priceless. Anyway I'm walking to my locker before last period when Clay Comes up to me "hey Skylar can I ask you something?"
"Um sure" I reply questionably
"Did Hannah say anything about me before she you know?"
"I didn't talk to her much before she did it so I don't really know how she felt about you but I'm sure if you finish the types you will find out" I tell taking a book out of my locker
"You know about the types? Does Montgomery know about them to?"
"I don't have a type well part of my story is on one but I never listened to them. Hannah left me a letter saying she made them and yes Monty read the letter but neither one of us knows what's on them except the part where she talks about me ok"
"Hey babe is Corey bothering you?" Monty asks coming up to us
"No Clay is not bothering me he was asking about the types"I tell Monty
"Listen we don't know what's on the types ok so don't ever talk to her again" Monty tells him threateningly.
"Monty stop it" I tell him putting my hand on his chest. Clay walks away from us and I turn to look at Monty.
"What the hell monty"
"We don't know anything about the types so I wanted him to know that and leave you alone"
"He lost the girl he loves he is just trying to figure everything out"
"I know anyway we still on for Bryce's tonight"
"Yea we are"
We are at Bryce's house Monty and Alex are playing video games Zach is watching them and Bryce and Justin are wrestling like 5th graders on the floor and I'm cleaning up after them I guess you could say I turned into there mother.
"Monty did you finish the essay that's due in History?"
"No but I have all weekend"
"That's what you said last time and you never did it"
"Yea but you were going bikini shopping one of the days and there is no way in hell I was gonna miss that and the other day you went to Victoria secret and later I  convinced you to model them for me which by the way I never got to see the rest because we got busy after you showed me the first one remember" I look down blushing I get embarrassed when he talks about our sex life especially because now he put into Bryce's mind that nerds are freaks In bed which I'm not. I wouldn't do that with other guys normally but it was Monty and it's hard for me to say no to him. I'm not saying I regret anything we've done at all. Monty is actually very sweet and is always asking me if I'm ok and I love that so maybe that's why I do thing with him I wouldn't do with other guys. Our 9 month is coming up in two days and I was thinking I should let Monty do what He always wanted to do with me, sex in the shower don't ask me why but he at least asks me to do it 15 times a week.
"Hey our 9 month is Monday" I tell him but he is distracted by the game "and I was thinking we could do what you have been wanting to do" I tell him in his ear and that got his attention. He paused the game and looked at me and loudly said "Sex in the shower? are you serious" and all the boys looked at us.
"Damn I need to get myself a nerd" Bryce says "I mean how many times a week do you guys do it? be honest" he asks I wasn't gonna answer but Monty does for me "like 2-3 times a week"
"Hey Sky I have a question was your first time with Monty?" I tense up I don't know if he does not remember or is he pretending not to but I snap
"no my first time was taken from me at a party in two summers ago by a arrogant asswhole who thinks that every girl wants him but in Reality it's the complete opposite and needs to learn that when a girl is begging him to stop that he needs to stop and not traumatize them, sound familiar Bryce" I say getting up and walking out crying. I hear footsteps right behind me and I know it's Monty he hugs me "come on let's get you home"
He brings me home and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm asleep.

Back at Bryce's about 10 minutes have past
"What do you think that was about?" Bryce asks slightly nervous
"I don't know" Justin answers giving knowing looks to Zach and Alex
"Whatever I'm gonna run inside for a minute" then Bryce walks out.
"Hannah wasn't lying about what Bryce did to Skylar" Alex says
"So did Monty save her too" Zach asks
"He must of but don't you think Bryce would be dead by now if Monty knew" Justin says
"I don't know Justin you don't seem to care about him doing it to Jessica" Alex tells him
"You want to know why I don't want to tell Jess is because of Skylar do you see how broken she is I don't Jess to be like that" they stop talking when Monty walks back in
"I assume you guys have questions" Monty says sitting down
"Yea so Bryce reaped Skylar?" Justin asks bluntly
"Yea he did" Monty replies angrily
"Did you save her?" Alex asks
"How?" Zach asks
"I watched Bryce drag her upstairs and they were gone for a while and I knew Sky wasn't that type of person so I walked upstairs into Bryce's room to see him on top of her and she's begging and crying for him to get off of her and for him to stop but he's not so I run over and pull him off of her and punch him a few times. I look over at her and she's lying down blankly staring at the ceiling not moving and I go and help her sit up and put her close on but it was like dressing a doll she just let me do it as she was still. I started to comfort her and she finally hugged me back. I gave her a ride home and she seemed to snap out it and begged me not to tell and not ruin my friendship with him because she knew his parents would get him out of it and he would turn it on her so we didn't tell but after that night I just wanted to be her protector and we fell in love along the way".

Her Protector ~ Montgomery De La Cruz Where stories live. Discover now