Chapter Nineteen

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"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them."~Bruce Lee



"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity." ~ Albert Einstein


"Hey sweetie, where are you going in such a hurry?" My mother asked, as I made my way into the kitchen.

"I'm going to go visit Julissa." I answered, grabbing an apple from the bowl on the kitchen counter. "Are you still going out later with Mike?"

"Yes I am," My mother said. "Tell Julissa hello and that I hope she gets better. Do you need a ride to the hospital?"

"Yes please," I took a bite from my apple. "I keep on forgetting that my car is in the shop."

My mother grabbed her car keys and gestured me to the door.

We both walked out the house, my mother locked the front door on our way out.

Getting into the car. I placed my bag in between my legs.

She started up the car, pulling out of the driveway.

"So sweet-heart how are you holding up?" My mother asked, keeping her focus on the road.

"I'm doing better than I was doing a couple of weeks ago, so that's some progress right?"

"That's really good sweet-heart. I'm glad you're moving on from..."

"I'm just not trying to let that control my life anymore," I replied. "I finally think I can actually move on."

"I'm really proud of you Allison," My mother grabbed my hand. "You know that right?"

I smiled.

My mother pulled in front of the hospital entrance and looked over at me.

"I love you Allison, don't you ever forget that." She gave me a hug. "I'll see you later on today sweetheart."

"I love you too mom," I returned the hug, getting out of the car. "See you later."

She pulled away, leaving me standing there.

Walking into the hospital. I made my way towards the front desk, having a older man stare at me.

"How can I help you ma'am?" The man asked. "How are you today?"

"I'm here to visit my friend," I answered. "And I'm doing well, how are you sir?"

"That's good to hear, I'm doing good. Thank you for asking." He said. "What is your friend's name?"

I smiled as I replied back to him. "It's not a problem and her name is Julissa Collins."

"Let me check and see if she could have visitors," He searched through the computer before looking back up at me. "Alright, she's in room B202. Here is a visitors pass, just head up that elevator and head down the hall pass the vending machine and her room should be the second one on the left."

"Thank you so much sir," I grabbed the pass and made my way towards the elevator.

The elevator stopped at my level and I walked inside, seeing two men standing there.

"Hello beautiful," The man said smiling at me. "What's your name?"

I just stood there, hoping that the elevator would just stop where I had to get off at.

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