Authors Note

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Hey guys so this is officially the last chapter so this is basically gonna be authors note....

So he past few months haven't been he best for Justin and I'm still her for him cause honestly he media say so much stuff and half of those things are lies and some people are stupid enough to believe it.

Honestly ill be with Justin till the end and I'm never leaving no matter how much trouble he's in cause he's taught me a lot. People think I just like him for his looks and all but no he taught me to believe in myself no matter how hard things get and ill be thankful forever cause if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be able to realize that u should always believe in yourself and never give up.

So that's it guys I've finished my first book yay! and I'm starting a new book and I've already written like ten chapters all I gotta do is publish them. My second book is gonna be a Justin bieber fan fiction so yeah. Keep believing in yourself and enjoy life.

And be sure to follow me on twitter



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