Day One- Dear Best Friends

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Dear Aly,

Shit. Where should I even begin? I guess with our TWO and a half year old best friendship that I'm still afraid of what you think of me. I can't even put the last year in words. You've helped me through so much crap it's not even funny. Remember that time in 6th grade when we sat together on the bus and there was a man jogging with his baby and I said, "OH! Look at his cute baby!" I really don't remember it. All I know from it is what you've told me. It's kind of sad really. I wish I could remember. I do remember not liking you the first time I met you. I thought you were one of those trouble making kinds of children. I love how you don't care about what people think, and how you can always say what you think. I wish I was that way. So this year, we kind of drifted down separate rivers, but we just came back together... halfway...then shit happened...and I don't know where we're at now. I think you would be a good stalker, just like your "significant adult." I still don't have a clue about your other "significant adult's" job. And I'm not sure that you do either. I love having math with you. Mr.Campa made my day today by laughing at the noise that Dalton made. I honestly didn't even know that a noise like that could me made by a human. Everyone always tells us that we'd make a cute couple. Even teachers. Remember Lenny?! We're so not an old married couple. This year your cheer leading got a lot better. Like...a ton. No joke. YOU DROPPED KALA AT THE ASSEMBLY. Well..not just you, but you said she was wobbly? So, yeah. I don't know if I've told you yet but I'm getting a massive haircut. Maybe into a faux hawk. Did I ever show you my glasses?! If not I need to send you a picture(:

Dear Pam,

Oh Pam. We really need to find you a man. I'm sorry that I make short jokes about you all the time. It's just so addicting and I don't mean any harm by them. Do you remember the summer after 6th grade when we got really close by talking on Facebook, always having a contest about who could say HI as soon as the other one got on? I do. You lost that game a lot. I also remember you telling Briana that I thought she was hot that one day that we all went over to Aaya's backyard. Was that the day I became a street-pole dancer? I hope not. My dog might've been scarred for life if he saw that. ALSO. Remember the mall with Hannah and Jeremy?! I flipped out. I wasn't even sure that was possible. Going in to the back of Spencers. HA. They tried on all of the stuff. I really wanted a belt. We didn't have classes together, except Science, but you always for some reason seem to find me in the hallways and say hello to me. I'M SORRY that me and Lavi made you late to reading that one day.  You always keep me grounded when I overreact at the smallest things. You really should've done StuCo. It would have been loads of fun. You're like, the best girl tennis player that I know. We got really close this year, for some odd reason that I haven't figured out yet. I'm praying for your grandpa and your dad. You'd BETTER not move next year. I would flip out. UNLESS you could take me and Briana with you. That would make it all better, because that would be one massive road trip. We should start our own modeling business. Except, we'd have to find gorgeous people. I mean, we're pretty sexy, but, lets face it, people could care less about us. OH. WE NEED TO FIND A NEW HAIRSTYLE. AND SOON O:

Dear Hannah,

You hooked me up with Parker kind of. You hated her. I don't understand why you did that. I also don't understand why I cried on the phone that one time over...never mind. SO. It turns out that you aren't gonna move to Tamatha's next year, which is really good. I always sing Lady Gaga to you. She's amazing, and if we did a double show, you dancing and me singing, we would blow the roof off of some place. Just kidding, that would be a catastrophe. You overreact at the things I say sometimes, and you make our problems public, which irritates the crap out of me. You were sick this week! I'm sorry, I think I gave you that cold. You should have gone home that day. Remember second grade? You swear we weren't friends, but I remember that differently. We were the best of friends. You moved during the middle of the year though, so it kind of got lost. You're an amazing dancer. You just gotta keep climbing up those mountains. You're going out with HIM. He friggen made up crap about me, but you really like him so I've decided to forgive that. You're gonna be a princess! You still haven't given me my flier, which I really want. I also want to work the concessions stand when you get like "inducted." You Skype me all the time, but you just sit there. I try to get your attention but apparently the computer is more important than me.  You flipped when I told you that I was getting my haircut. It was pretty funny. The mall with you was pretty fun :D

Dear Lavi,

Your name isn't pronounced that way for everyone else, but it is for me. Because apparently the way I say it sounds like some creepy old pedophile. Remember 4th grade? We weren't "allowed" to be friends, just because you were(and are) a girl, and I was(and am) a guy.We also always had elbow wars because you were a righty and I was a lefty. I don't see why the teacher didn't just switch our spots. You're like the holiest person I know! Remember the sucky corn maize?! It was awful,but we still couldn't get out of it. Haha. We always talk really loud about our lives in the library. Mrs.Parks yells at us. I love how we're supposed to read but we just talk. Last year I had to help you with your locker all the time. It was bad. I bet you bent the little latch in the beginning of the year and didn't notice it. You're really cool too. You've got a lot of friends and you help write the newspaper. You guys had better spell my name right in the yearbook this year! It was spelled like three different ways last year. Nice way to make me mad. Mr.Gabbert can't say my last name so he just says Engelfahuratgh. It almost sounds the same(:

Dear all four of you,

You make my life so much more interesting and I don't think I'd be the same if any of you left. Y'all are just like my extended my family.



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