Painful Potions

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Chapter Three

My first night at Hogwarts was not something that I chose to remember, however it's forever burned into my memory.

"Maybe she's a spy for You-Know-Who?"

"Magnificent, isn't it! We've converted one of their own!"

"Snape's daughter? Is that even possible?"

The whispers that filled the Great Hall met no barrier on the way to my ears. If I was worried about making friends before, I was then terrified. In the back of my mind, all I could think about was my father. His disappointment was apparent on his face and I didn't know how I could fix it. I began to hope that maybe there was a loophole out of my house and into another one.

"You're coming with me," a loud voice said to me.

My arm was soon grabbed by someone much stronger than me. I looked up to see a Slytherin prefect scowling down at me, I gulped. This was just another fuel to the fire that made people talk.

"Where are we going?" I managed to asked.

I was pulled up from the table and dragged out of the Great hall and up the stairs.

"Your father has asked to see you," he scowled.

'Sure, he's asked to see me, but did he ask you to handle me this way,' I thought to myself.

We soon reached my father's office and nerves soon filled my body. I had never seen anything closely related to my father's work and I had to admit, I was curious as well. As soon as the prefect opened the door, my mouth dropped in awe. The room was dark, yet warm from the blazing fire that was crackling in the corner. Magical ingredients for potions lined the walls on organize shelves. There was even a small, boiling cauldron on the table in the middle of the room. The office was everything. I expected and more. It fit my father both uniquely and indefinitely.

I was snapped out of my train of thought when I finally noticed my father. He simply gave me a once over before turning around, so I decided to break the silence between us.

"You didn't tell anyone about me?"

"I'll ask the questions here. How could you possibly be in Gryffindor?"

I was taken aback by his question and I stared at him with large, angry eyes.

"Do you think that this is my fault? Father, I don't understand how this could have happened."

"Well, it happened!"

"And it's not my fault!" I snapped at him, before I realized my tone.

I couldn't help it. My father had missed most of my big moments in life, neglected to tell others about me, and now all of a sudden he had the nerve to get mad at me for something that I couldn't control.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about me? Are you ashamed of me?"

"That's enough! Alex, take her back to meet with her house," He ordered.

I shrank back into myself and decided to just not fight him. I followed the Slytherin out of the office and back down the hall. Was my father really angry? I had assumed that he wanted me to carry on the Slytherin bloodline, but that was all over now. I was sure that Alice would be disappointed too and if I had a mother, she would treat me the same way as my father did.

I met back with the rest of the other Gryffindors as they made their way to the common room. I was way too distracted to be in awe and wonder with everyone else, I could barely even listen to Percy, our prefect and Ron's brother, explaining the rules. Walking up to the girl's dormitory was the longest, most painful steps of my life. I instantly knew that I would be judged and taunted.

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