Enemies? Since when?

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Yes, I've been ignoring requests still... Well, they're work in progress now, you could maybe get them soon. However, now enjoy this please.

Fandom: D.Gray-man

Pair: young!Cross x Tyki


The sun hadn't been on the sky for some time already. The door of the hotel room was though suddenly opened and two men entered. One of them had red hair to his shoulder-blades, tied to a ponytail with a purple ribbon, the other had black and curly hair. The first one closed the door behind them and, without letting go of his lover's hand, went straight to bed. His partner followed him with a light smirk on his lips. He really missed this illusion of relationship after all these nights spent alone or with some random company. Although it was just an illusion.

Cross unbuttoned his collar and let out an almost annoyed sigh. He sat down on the bed and pulled out a cigarette with his free hand. Tyki didn't mind that. Although he didn't smoke before sex himself, he didn't mind his partner doing so. He even felt pity for the older man, when he couldn't find the fire. Reaching in his pocket, it didn't take long till he lit the cigarette, between lips partly hidden under a pale mask. He sat down next to Marian and once again gave a squeeze to his hand.

"Aren't you a bit impatient?" Cross' lips curled up in a light seductive smirk. Obviously, he didn't mind one bit too. He felt a bit like after a celibat himself. Although he wouldn't ever admit it to Tyki, of course, the truth was he missed the younger one a lot. He wasn't able to actually feel satisfied with anyone else from the moment he fell for the newly awakened Noah. And if he wasn't proven wrong, he'd maybe begin to think that the special ability of Noah of pleasure would be something like bounding him just like that.

"I have the right to be." Mikk defended himself, "It's been three weeks."

He could've added the number of hours and minutes since he always counted them anyway. But he didn't want the exorcist to think he was addicted to him. Although he was. As much as he wanted to refuse that idea, he couldn't. He wasn't even able to sleep properly without the feeling of Marian's strong arms around him. In their embrace he had a feeling of safety he couldn't explain. And it was supposed to be the exact opposite. He was supposed to be afraid. To hate him. They were enemies after all.

"Then we shouldn't waste any time." the older of the men decided in a blink and pushed the younger one in the sheets, "You look lovely today, Mikk."

"Same could be said of you, Marian." the younger gave a smile. He wasn't blushing. Compliments like this had long ago lost their effect, although they always cheered him up. With a simple gest of his hand, his partner gave him a signal to not use his abilities today. For once he wanted them to at least pretend to be a normal pair. The fingers of their hads were still locked together. As if they were afraid that the other will run away from them as soon as they let go. With his free hand, Cross started slowly unbuttoning Tyki's shirt. One button after another was slipping out of their places, revealing more of the pale skin of nicely built body on the bed.

Not even Tyki's fingers were wasting time. They started undoing Cross' black coat. That coat that was the sign of them being enemies. It was clear that if anyone was to find out about their meetings, they both would be in huge trouble. Right now, none of them paid any attention to it. The black coat hit the floor. And it was as if a huge invisible burden fell of Cross' shoulders together with it. Tyki's hand was immediately released from the grip and traveled on Cross' back automaticaly to meet with the other one in there and pull the older man, who's lips were attacking Tyki's neck, even closer. The cigarette didn't fall out though and from time to time it got one painful moan between the pleased ones from the younger man.

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