Birthday Coming Up!!!!/Larry's hair

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Yaaaaaaassssssss my birthday coming up!!!! I'm probably gonna update on my birthday so yea look out for that. My birthday is in 3 days and I'm so happy even though I have school on my birthday lol. I hate high school niggas get on my nerves at that school lol. But that's all I wanted to say so see you guys later!! Hold on before I leave I wanna say something first.

So Larry decided to do a new hairstyle and I'm gonna be honest

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So Larry decided to do a new hairstyle and I'm gonna be honest...I don't like it. I'm sorry I'm just not feeling it right now. Maybe if he like put it in a ponytail or something it would look better. Male probably did it that's why it's not looking cute😂. If she did do it then I'm slapping her then I'm gonna slap him because he the one that let her do that😂. But okay I'm done because I have nothing else to say about this situation so bye.

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