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Before you read this, i just wanna let you know that I am a rookie in writing and that I did not proof read this.

Certain things and situations in this book are related to real-life situations.

This is not gonna be one of the "best" books you've ever read, so don't expect me to be A1 in writing. It'll get better though, I hope.

Enjoy ~



[ Saturday ; 8:16pm ]

"I don't wanna go to no fuckin' party yo." Jacelyn said to her Bestfriend, kola who was ramaging through her closet.

Tonight was Saturday night, more specifically the last Saturday before school started again and to celebrate it, a back to school party was being thrown.

Jacelyn wasn't really fond of the idea because she wanted to enjoy her last days as a care-free person instead of going to a party to celebrate going back to the hell they call school, she thought it was pretty stupid, but kola wasn't having it.

"Nah, this is the last summer party there is bro! You gotta go." Kola replied, tossing clothes that still had hangers attached to them on jacelyns bed.

Jacelyn groaned as she watched her do so, "is all this shit new?! Why haven't you wore these yet!" Kola yelled, pulling a new Jordan box out the closet.

"I haven't been anywh-"

"HELL NO!" Kola yelled as she cut her off "Get up. You going to this party." She threw jacelyn an outfit she set out and pushed her into the bathroom.

"And hurry up! Party starts at 9."

Jacelyn pushed the door back open.

"Hell no! I ain't going to no fuckin party."


Jacelyn rolled her eyes as she and kola pulled up to the party, the fact that she really came out bothered her.

Kola smirked pulling the keys out the ignition, "we're here."

Jacelyn glared at her and got out the car making sure to slam her door.

"If you break it, you're paying for it."

Jacelyn ignored her as she walked up the stairs of the house, the house was big, like mansion big.

They must be rich...Jacelyn thought as her and kola reached the door.

When they walked in Jacelyn frowned in disgust at the sight of people.

It was dark, the stench of cheap perfumes reeked and all you saw were slobs of people everywhere dancing, having sex, doing drugs, and jumping off the expensive railing and statues they had in their house.

She was about to walk out until kola dragged her to the kitchen where all the food was being served.

Kola sat her down on a stool, "so? What you think. Different right?"

Jacelyn growled, about to give kola a piece of her mind until somebody came and interrupted.

"Kola?! Nigga I ain't know you was here!" This unknown person yelled excitedly, hugging kola as if her life depended on it.

They carried on with their conversation as if Jacelyn wasn't there.

"Ohm yep and this is my Bestfriend jace, meet aidena. She's the party thrower" Kola introduced them after a hour of their pointless conversation.

' So this is the idiot who thought of this'... Jacelyn said to herself as she took a quick glance at her.

Aidena smiled, holding her hand out, "wassup? Nice to meet you." Her grills shined as she spoke.

Jacelyn was about to glare but she decided it was best to be nice and not disrespect her in her own house.

She gave a fake smile, but more like an sarcastic smile. "Likewise." She shook her hand and pulled away.

Aidena nodded as she gave Jacelyn a once over. she was pretty attractive, she sported a red polo v-neck with some dark blue balmain jeans that slightly sagged hoisted up by a red Louis Vuitton belt, and some jordan retro 8s on her feet.

'Yeah..she the shit, aidena thought as she looked Jacelyn up and down.

Jacelyn noticed this and scowled, "hating ass bitch." She mumbled under her breath as she stood up from the stool.

"Aye where you going?" Kola asked.

"Bathroom." Jacelyn mumbled, walking away from the kitchen going to the stairs of the house.

As she walked up she was trying to find the smallest door that might hint that a bathroom was there.

'This is so not better than binge watching with snacks'.....was her only thought as she went from door to door trying to find the bathroom.

"This better be the fucking bathroom yo.." she said as she got to the last door on the hall. She opened the door and stood in shock at what she saw.

"Yo! What the fuck!"

___________________ *

This type short but you get the idea.

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