Bully (Phan Oneshot)

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Phil walks into the dreaded prison, more commonly known as school. Phil gets tormented and bullied every day by one person, Daniel Howell. Everybody feels sorry for Phil, but no one does anything to protect him from Dan, because Dan could break them like a twig.
"Hey, Lester!" Phil hears Dan's luxury voice shout in the near-distance. Dan quickly runs up to Phil, and pushes him to the ground.
"Still wanna fuck me, fag?" Dan hastily asks, a smirk on his face and evil in his eyes.
"WELL FUCKING ANSWER ME, DUMBASS" He kicked Phil in the stomach and impatiently waited for an answer.
"No.. I never have" Phil managed to push out of him trembling mouth,
"That's gonna be a problem then..." Dan replied looking at Phil with the same smirk on his face, dimple clearly showing. Dan quickly took Phil's iPhone 5s and unlocked it, knowing the password after beating him once before hand, forcing the password out if him, and put a number in, Dan's number.
"When the last bell rings, call me. We're going back to mine." He left with a wink and a very confused Phil. Phil had always wanted to fuck Dan senseless, he is the hottest guy in the school, but he obviously never admitted that, and he was anxious to find out what Dan was plotting.
Phil got his phone out and looked through his contact list, he had one new one, called 'Dan ;)' Phil smiled at the winky face, but shook it off, he shouldn't be smiling at his bully. He called Dan from his phone and he picked up almost straight away.
"I am at the back gate, come as quickly as you can. Now." Dan rushed his words before hanging up.
Phil ran towards the back gate, worried that he might get beat up if he was late.
He finally got there, and there was Dan, on his phone. He looked up and saw Phil, he smirked that usual smirk, and grabbed Phil's wrist and dragged him all the way to Dan's house, Phil knew it wasn't worth fighting against him.
They reached his house house and Phil gazed at how big it was, before he was being dragged once again, but into Dan's house.
"Upstairs. Now." Dan ordered. Phil did as he was told, and scuttled up the twisting staircase.
Downstairs, Dan looked around to see if anyone was home to hear what Dan was about to do to the innocent lad, and sure enough, no one was.
Dan hurried up the stairs into his bedroom, where he found Phil sitting on his bed. Perfect.
"Listen, if you're going to beat me up, could you hurry up please?" Phil asked, anger in his voice.
"Ex-fucking-cuse me!?" Dan shouted back, and pushed Phil back on to his bed, and straddled him. You could see the fear, but also excitement in Phil's eyes.
"What makes you think that I would want to beat you up?" Dan questioned, quieter, with a hint of lust found in his hazel eyes. He unbuttoned Phil's tee, kissing down every inch of new chest shown. Dan then proceeded to slide of Phil's jeans and boxers, revealing his half-hard member. Dan smiled, his usual smile, and took off his own, 'My Chemical Romance' top, showing
his rather tanned bare torso, which Phil couldn't help but stare at him.
"Nuh, uh. If you show any sign, apart from getting hard, of you wanting to fuck me, I win whatever I want from you, if you don't, you win whatever you want from me." Dan stated and Phil nodded back. Dan was now naked as well, and he sat on top of Phil's stomach, grinding against him. Dan found some rope and tied Phil's arms and legs to the bed, making it very difficult for him to move.
"The only thing you can do, is speak to me." Dan very clearly stated, his face inches away from Phil's. He then attacked Phil's lips with own, and Phil was trying very hard not to kiss back. Dan then kissed down his neck, sucked and bit it, leaving marks and hickeys. Phil was trying so, so hard not to moan, now, and he barely succeeded. Dan moved his hips and erect member down to Phil's feet, licking his body on the way. He began to lick around the tip of Phil's dick, going over the slit, again and again, and Phil had to hold his breath, he was not, losing this. Dan then put as much of Phil's penis into his mouth, until he was deep-throating him. Phil knew he couldn't cum, so he had to keep thinking, 'Grandma, grandma, grandma' in hope to lose his boner. It worked a little, but not enough.
After a while of sucking and trying to suppress moans of pleasure, Dan gave up.
"Well, Lester, looks like you win, what do you want from me?" Dan asked, admitting defeat. Instead of Phil replying with a simple 'Stop bullying me', Phil said,
"I want to put my dick up your arse, right now."
And with that, Phil saw the biggest, most genuine smile he had ever seen, coming from Dan.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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