Chapter 1- On the road...

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(A/N: Quick note before we start I've been reading lots of WTNV stories but all of them describe Cecil differently. So just to clarify I'm going to be describing 'videntefernandez' version of Cecil since I really like how he looks. I really suggest you go find 'videntefernandez' on Tumblr as their art is awesome! Anyway enjoy the story)


On a normal street, in a normal neighbourhood sat a not-so-normal house and in that not so normal house was a not so normal girl. This girls' room was like a wonderland for comic driven recluses. The walls were a deep red that pulsed in the light sprinkled with various posters, mostly of strange Japanese cartoon shows. I doubted she could read whatever was written on the poster. Her comforter was pulled over her bed, even though she hadn't cleaned it. The result was lumps of varying sizes and shapes and the comforter was weighed down by her laptop. A desk sat in one corner, littered with wadded up pieces of paper and pens. A few shelves were pushed against the walls and filled with books. Some books sat on the floor in front of the shelves. And her room, while it was amazing, held nothing but painful memories, but these memories that would soon be left behind as this would be the last night that she would be in this room. This girl's name? Laylah Primrose Emlyn and like I stated before this will be the last night in her prison.

As quietly as possible she began to climb out of her window, but she stopped and looked back at her room more specifically the photos on the wall. One had a family of four in it: a woman with long brown hair and emerald green eyes, wearing a knee-length white dress, a man with messy brown hair and dull brown eyes, wearing a black button-up shirt and black pants, a boy with brown hair, brown eyes and a grey shirt and finally a girl with dark brown hair, dull brown eyes and a little blue dress. Another photo had two girls in it one had chocolate brown hair with blonde streaks in it as well as sapphire blue eyes the other had short black hair with dull brown eyes. With one last deep breathe she reached out and gripped on to the pipe connected to the rain ducts and cautiously climbed down on to the ground.

Laylah began to walk down the street with her hair multicoloured hair blowing slightly in the wind. Her hair was styled in an undercut and was a three-way dye of deep purple, sapphire blue and magenta while the sides were dyed black. It may have taken a few hours but she finally hit her first, and hopefully last, pit stop. She silently walked around the gas station up to an old rickety door and knocked 5 times with a certain amount of seconds between each knock. The door opened to reveal a gang of burly looking men that could be compared to bikers or drug addicts. 

"Ay Chuck. I need that favour."

The tallest of the bikers gave a strong nod before leading her through the back until they were standing in front of a motorbike, a cruiser to be precise. 

"Right kid. Get outta 'ere, before my gang and I kidnap you and get you out 'ere ourselves".

"Thanks, man for everything, I'd be dead without you," Laylah told him before getting on the motorcycle and speeding away into the desert. She rode for miles and somehow managed to avoid the police. Laylah was surrounded by silence to some they would be nervous but to her, this was a good sign. Laylah enjoyed the night it hides her mistakes, her mess of a life, the scars burned onto her flesh, the stabs of knives left behind. The moon guided her through the night. The moon under siege by stars seemed to lighten the night bringing forth stars that shone and hung in the blackness. The never-ending blackness consumed everything. Except for the stars which stood out like pebbles in front of a storm. Ever enduring these shone with the night covered in an inky black sky.

The road was an endless river of tarmac baked under a brutal, relentless sun. It stretched into the horizon in front and behind as far as the eye can see. The once black tarmac was now greyed with desert dust. No signs, no way of knowing where you are. Laylah had not stopped she kept going further and further and further until she saw it. The morning's sunrise was a breath-taking display of radiant colours. Bright streaks of red, pink, and orange slowly overcame the dark blue and purple of the twilight sky. The sky resembled a prism; all the colours blended perfectly into each other. The sun itself was just peeking out of the horizon, and its brilliant rays already shined brightly and began to warm the air.

Deciding she had gone far enough, for now, she pulled onto the side of the road and began to unpack some of her food and water, she brought as well as a map.

The cruel sun beat down, it's one malevolent eye unblinking, and the sky was its co-conspirator with not even a wisp of cloud to soften the harsh rays. The lizards took shelter in the shadows of the rocks where the sand was not hot enough to roast them. Laylah finished her 'meal' she looked over her map as well as the road sign further down the road from her. Unlike other signs with multiple locations on them- this sign only had one:

"Night Vale next exit"

She began to contemplate, but It wasn't long before she gave a resounding screw it and started her bike up again, but she didn't move she sat there on her bike and began to think. She had forgotten something, but what? she looked down and around to see if anything in her surroundings could jog her memory. She sat there until she checked her watch what could tell the date and it read 19th March She let out a small laugh before talking to herself 

"Well then... Happy Birthday to me then" and with a twist of the handlebars, she continued down the road and took the turn to Night Vale...

A not-so-normal girl in a not-so-normal townWhere stories live. Discover now