Chapter V-New Beginning

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Chapter V-New Beginning

A month had passed and now, I’ll say this; “I’m really, really ready to face tons of new people on my junior life.”

I’m currently riding in our school bus with these two girls, Jesse and Marian.

Unfortunately, we’re not on the same class. How sad.

I’m a transferee then I don’t know someone from the class.

Well, for the sake of meeting new people, I need not to depend on them.

Say what? I really like their uniform; I really find it cute like that of Sailor Moon’s outfit.

My hair is laid flat on my shoulder reaching my waist, my hair is really that long but it’s curled at the bottom.

And yes, I used my contact lenses which are turquoise in color and my braces which are blue wired.

Then I have this cute back pack which my mom bought for me from Canada.

Then I’m carrying these two books at my right hand.

Oh, I really forgot to say that, I’m an ambidextrous. But I’m more capable of using my right hand.

While I’m fixing my hair, someone bumped on me again.

Oh, why am I always bumping with someone? Am I that clumsy? -.-“

But, I might say that good thing I bumped again with the same person.

“H-Hi!” with matching smile on his face.

“Oh, hello!” I greeted him awkwardly.

“On your way to your room?” He asked

“Uhm, actually, yes! I’m with these two ladies. Right Jesse? Right Marian?” Then I faced my back.

Where did that two brat go?! Uhggg. The atmosphere have changed. Tss.

 “Oh? Where are they? Are you sure they are with you?” he asked me then he scratch the back of his head.

Oh, I can see that this boy thinks that I’m crazy.

“Uhm. Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha. Yes I’m sure, do I look like a joker?” I asked him then I raised my left brow.

“Uhm no. You look like just a person who has a sense of humor.” Ugggh. I think funny and that what he have said somewhat has the same meaning. Ayt?

I didn’t say a word after.

“You know what, I like girls who have that sense of humor” then he smirked.

OH my God!

Am I dying? Kfine. I’m over reacting.

“Ahh.” I don’t know what to say.

“So, what section do you belong?” he then changed the topic

“Uhm, St. Francis. Bout you?” I can feel the awkwardness.

“We’re on the same section Great!” he said with excitement then he snapped his fingers.

“huh?” I doubted.

“Oh nothing. Let’s go! It’ll be 5 minutes before the bell.” Then he grabbed my wrist and we run in the corridor. It’s quite slippery.

And I don’t know why these people staying on the corridor are looking at us.

Are we disturbing them? Do I have something on my face?

Uhhg. Awkward is the right adjective for time like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2012 ⏰

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