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    The group walked through the cold and dark forest, hearing groans and moans of zombies. One of them rolled their eyes, grabbing the pistol they had as defense out of their pocket. He shot the zombie in the forehead, making it fall back, not moving an inch.
  "One point for Presto!" Preston cheered, happy he shot the monster. Vikk rolled his eyes, catching up to the proud boy. 
  "You do know that killing one zombie does NOT mean you saved everyone's lives, Preston. Also, stop calling yourself 'Presto'. It's weird" Vikk huffed, looking forward. Preston glared at Vikk for a moment before talking back to him.
  "You're just jelly~!" Preston smirked, not looking where he was going. And, he sure learned that the hard way. Right away, he smacked his face into a log. "Ow..." he mumbled. Rob stopped running, staring at Preston, before laughing. "Shut the fuck up, flower boy!" Preston growled, stopping back off the log. He finally ran again, Rob next to him.
  "Come on, that was pretty funny, Preston." Rob smirked. Preston rolled his eyes, before running ahead of everyone. Suddenly, the boy stopped, seeing a ledge. The others were looking behind themselves, making them all crash into Preston. He stopped him self from almost falling, his arms waving to keep balance. The Pack held Preston back, keeping him from falling. Though, that didn't work. As they were all calming down, they heard a noise.
  "What the fuck was that?" Lachlan cursed, Preston just shrugged sarcastically, looking at the cracked ground around them.
  "I don't know, maybe we're about to fall!" Preston said as the ground split, making them all fall down the edge and into the water. They all popped their heads out, looking around. Preston swore under his breath, grabbing a rock. "Why today... I was going to post a video making a joke that now all my subscribers were zombies..." Preston had defeat in his voice. The others just face palmed or shook their heads at Preston's joke. They all got out of the water, soaked from head to toe. Preston looked up, seeing they were stuck on at the bottom of the ledge they were just on.
  "Hey, guys! I found a cave!" Mitch called from a few feet away. Preston smiled, dashing forward. Jerome stopped him before he could go in, though.
  "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jerome nervously asked. A brave laugh left Preston's mouth. 
  "Dude! It's fine!" Preston slapped his hand on Jerome's back, before rushing inside the cave. There really was nothing in it, though, it would be great shelter for the six of them. So, they all sat in the cave. Preston started a fire while yelling, "FIRE NATION!" let's just say he got a slap from Lachlan.
  "So..." Vikk quietly said as they sat there. Preston looked at Vikk, smiling.
  "Let's get some rest!" Preston clapped his hands together. Vikk sighed, and nodded. They had just lied their backs on the rocks, the only comfortable way to sleep. Preston stared at all the sleeping bodies, before sighing, getting up and walking out of the cave. He wanted to do something. Then, he had a great, yet stupid, idea...

  "Zombie hunting time!" 

A/N: Did I say there is some shitty comedy? XD Oh well, enjoy the book!

Also, here are some things that I forgot to say:
Vikk: very shy
Preston: snotty and stuck-up
Rob: Prankster
Lachlan: Short-tempered
Mitch: Smart
Jerome: Scared of p much every living and non-living shit

eifohrfieorh bye

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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